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Agreement Used
Used by:
82 cachers

TROT Paths

Agreement Type:

crossNot permitted


Relationship managed through the Toll Rides Off-road trust


Ant Reid

Start Date


Renewal Date



GAGB is attempting to contact the managers of the TROT path network to verify their pathways and draw a confidential map. TROT paths are not in themselves rights of way and geocachers need specific permission to travel on them - specifically a permit (thus the term' toll' in the organisation name). Thus geocaches should not be placed on TROT pathways.

Application Process

GAGB advice is to contact the landowner and seek specific permission. If you and the landowner both wish to have a geocache listed on a TROT path, please ensure that access is granted to geocachers, and provide that evidence to the reviewer. GAGB consider this unlikely to be given, as the purpose of TROT paths is to minimise non-horse traffic. GAGB would be happy to update this agreement with specific locations that allow geocaches if you get in touch with us.

Area Covered


Last Modified

17th Jan 2018.


Do you have any feedback about this agreement? Click here to submit feedback to the committee.