View Full Version : Poll for position of "Chair"

11th August 2003, 09:52 AM
Now that nominations have closed, it's time to vote on the position of "Chair".

The poll will run until 09:30am September 1st 2003 (3 weeks).

In the red corner we have "Pharisee the Hat" and in the blue corner we have "Tim & June the Bear abandoners".

Come out of your corners fighting, lets keep it clean, no punching below the belt. Seconds away ! Ding :lol:

Remember if you click to view the results of the poll before you vote, you will be casting an "abstain" or "nul" vote.

Thanks for all your votes, this poll is now closed.

The winner (or dependent on how you view it , looser) is declared Tim & June.

Well done Pharisee for taking part.