View Full Version : Garmin Geocoin Challenge - Free Geocoins!

The Birches Head Hunters
8th August 2008, 07:15 PM
Just in case anyone hasn't seen the posting on the GC forums, Garmin are currently giving away (yes - free!) a 'hoard' of limited-edition geocoins across the UK in Blacks and Millets stores.

Here's a website all about it:-


The 'Participating Stores' list can be ignored. Mrs BHH popped into our local Blacks today (not listed), and they confirmed that they'll be receiving a box of coins sometime next week.

There's also a prize draw linked to the coins. :socool:

8th August 2008, 10:05 PM
and i can't get one :(

Bill D (wwh)
8th August 2008, 10:28 PM
and i can't get one :(
Well, don't leave us in suspense, lol...! Why can't you get one?

9th August 2008, 10:30 AM
i aint going into medowhell on the weekend....

9th August 2008, 10:45 AM
Oxford are all out! Dunno if they're getting anymore. They received a packet of 18 and started dishing them out yesterday. Glad I ran for it this morning, rather nice coin there :)

9th August 2008, 07:42 PM
rub it in fraggle ;-)

11th August 2008, 10:36 AM
After reading the thread on gc.com, I made a slight detour to Telford (on my way to Wales) and picked up a coin.

I have now registered it and plan to drop it off at a cache in North Staffordshire on Sunday.


11th August 2008, 06:22 PM
Hi, got my Big Ben coin on Sat.

Have any of the other 4 deisgns been seen?:)

16th August 2008, 09:06 PM
Not to my knowledge, I'd keep in contact with yer local blacks to see when they get a delivery.

16th August 2008, 10:40 PM
I have been lucky enough to receive a coin today via a friend who managed to get 3 :applause:
I think the wording on the site has changed as I never noticed this sentance before

"Please note that all Blacks and Millets Stores will soon be participating in this promotion. Please check back for updates."

It looks to me as if another batch of stores will be chosen when they release the next design which would help those that don't live near any of the currant ones

Fingers crossed folks:)

29th August 2008, 03:57 PM
Just got a coin from Blacks in York Monks Cross have a fair few for the first come first served. Can anyone confirm what coin has been released, seems I got a London Eye one and me mate got a different one?

29th August 2008, 05:04 PM
Just got a coin from Blacks in York Monks Cross have a fair few for the first come first served. Can anyone confirm what coin has been released, seems I got a London Eye one and me mate got a different one?
The main forums are reporting that all have been released. Pics (https://forums.groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?s=&showtopic=200768&view=findpost&p=3619692)

30th August 2008, 06:04 PM
Managed to get 3 today from Blacks in Cambridge... sent two of the family in at different times to nab different ones. ;)
Stonehenge, Clifton Bridge and London Eye.

look good. :D

31st August 2008, 08:31 AM
Managed to get 3 today from Blacks in Cambridge... sent two of the family in at different times to nab different ones. ;)
Stonehenge, Clifton Bridge and London Eye.

look good. :D

Good thinking Graeme....... Do you think I could get away with sending Frew & Mol in for some lol

31st August 2008, 09:42 AM
Good thinking Graeme....... Do you think I could get away with sending Frew & Mol in for some lol

Why not they could be considered valid customers - although young !! :socool::D

DR. Ape
4th September 2008, 02:02 PM
I was told by a manager that, "I wouldn't know if you grabbed 2 strangers off the street and asked them to come in and get them for you". :D

12th September 2008, 02:11 PM
I've got an angel of the north geocoin, but would prefer stonehenge, big ben or one of the others. Anyone up for a swap?