View Full Version : Lost password for TrigpointingUK

6th February 2010, 07:03 PM
I've lost my password to TrigpointingUK and cant log in.

Having tried to contact Teasel via the webform on the site and via groundspeak several times. Sent my last one via the webform again today.

Any body got a sharp walking pole to poke Ian with! :(

Can any one help?

Bear and Ragged
6th February 2010, 07:21 PM

From the home page:

24/12/09 - Photos moved to Amazon S3. Please let me know of any problems.

24/12/09 - Site moved to eUKhost due to Lunarpages' unprofessional behaviour (different website, not T:UK). Please let me know of any problems.

You could try Deego.
Or Barry Hunter, but I'm not sure of his caching name...

Searched... :cool:
Profile for barryhunter
Name: Barry Hunter
Email address: triguk at barryhunter dot co dot uk

19th February 2010, 07:11 PM
Sorted now :D, thanks Ian:applause:.