View Full Version : Android Geocaching Apps

4th September 2011, 03:31 PM
Raining and so a bit bored. I have sat and compiled a comparison chart of the Apps that I have download and tried.
All worked on my Samsung Galaxy S
If you have any observations you think could be added, or an app that you have used and can add to the list, please PM me the details.


6th September 2011, 08:39 PM
Neongeo handles TBs too...

7th September 2011, 05:30 AM
Thanks Ian, I will add that.

Bear and Ragged
16th September 2011, 08:06 PM
Alternatively, there a free app called GeoHunter (a better version of GeoBeagle). It's not very good for spur-of-the-moment caching because in the field it only downloads the GC code and coordinates - no cache info. But if you run Pocket Queries (which you get with a Premium Membership) it is great.

From GS forum here link (https://forums.groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=282165&view=findpost&p=4844187)

The bit of interest to me is:
"in the field it only downloads the GC code and coordinates - no cache info."

I really want ALL the info to be available, there in the field...