View Full Version : GAGB Friends

Sharon - Sharant
20th December 2016, 09:16 AM
We are inviting GAGB members to give us some help! We may need your help for hosting events, helping newbies, schools and Scouts if they're in your area and obtaining land permissions. Additionally, we need people to write Seeker articles, help us with media enquiries (e.g. from Countryfile) if relevant to your area or representing the GAGB on our stall at a Mega. By becoming a GAGB Friend, you will form part of a new membership tier. GAGB is a member-led organisation and, by becoming a friend, you'll gain a taste of what it's like on the committee. So you might consider standing in future! There is no long-term commitment and you can help us for as long as you want.

Yorkshire Yellow
30th December 2016, 08:32 AM
Possibly interested in this but time can be short at the best of times. Keep me posted and don't be offended if I can't help or in future decide that I can't at all.

The Chens
12th January 2017, 01:14 PM
We're willing to offer help to new cachers. We have already involved a local Scout Group - that Chris used to lead - by setting a cache for them: St Joseph's Scouts (https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC17HBQ_ch03-st-josephs-scouts?guid=4da125e3-5972-4170-8016-bac5c0872ab9). When Chris was teaching he placed a few temporary - never published - caches around the school grounds for the children to find.