Just thought I'd stop by and say 'Hi'. Total novice to caching and yet to buy my first GPS. Having looked at some of the comments made in a variety of posts I can see that you are a spirited bunch and I hope to fit right in! :lol:
Just thought I'd stop by and say 'Hi'. Total novice to caching and yet to buy my first GPS. Having looked at some of the comments made in a variety of posts I can see that you are a spirited bunch and I hope to fit right in! :lol:
Hi Paul, and welcome to our forums! You'll find they're mostly a friendly place and full of good advice, even if some threads do go wildly off topic, and not just in the Off Topic forum either...! :P
Edit: Oops, Bill posting as Admin by mistake - so what's new...! :lol:
Bill D (wwh)
guilty as charged!! :lol: :coffee:
get out and find a few. but keep coming back here to remind yourself that you aren't the most insane person in the hobby.
Another new member here too I'm afraid, thought I'd just continue on in this thread rather than start another......Been a paid up member of geocaching.com for a little while now, using the same user name there as I am here.
Hope to get to know you all after time......Ade
opcorn: :cheers:
Welcome Osman too
Welcome both
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
Welcome to you both, Im sure you'll fit right in. You will see they are a friendly bunch, although some of them are nutters!! :P :lol:
Anyway pull up a keyboard and post away.
I thought Fiona was the only Nutter in here... :lol: :lol: :lol:
But welcome to you both...!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
:coffee: welcome to you both and I hope you enjoy this seriously nutty hobby :socool: