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Thread: Pssst! Pass it on!

  1. #1
    Alice Band Guest


    If you are a relative beginner in Geocaching you may be interested to know that Blacks the camping shop people have currently got a mega sale on. You can pick up a brand new entry-level Gecko GPS starting at £45. They also have a couple of the higher eTrex ones reduced. However, this may be a regional thing - I'm going by my Leicester branch.

    Hope this proves helpfull to a newbie somewhere :socool:

  2. #2
    nobbynobbs Guest


    certainly have the sale down in southampton as point the normal rule still applies, BUY THE MOST EXPENSIVE GPS YOU CAN AFFORD. you'll wish you had otherwise.

  3. #3
    Rebble Guest


    Oh cool! I know a certain young lady who wants her own GPS.

  4. #4
    bearhugger Guest


    The following link has the cheapest gear that i've seen, having shopped around a little.

  5. #5
    Richie_EB4 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by bearhugger View Post
    The following link has the cheapest gear that i've seen, having shopped around a little.
    I bought my unit from these back in 2005.....great to deal with then......might even have to upgrade

  6. #6

    Default Buggritt!!!

    I just foned GPSONLINESHOP to place a HUGE (£60 ish!!) order, and have been told they have ceased trading...
    ******, now I'll have to pay full whack in the highstreet!!!

    Tis truly a sad day for my wallet!!!!

    Mr Rampton Broadmoore Esq.

  7. #7
    Richie_EB4 Guest


    .........that is bad news.....only got my new unit a few months back from them.

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