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Thread: Radio 4

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Fawley, Southampton


    Radio 4 broadcast a programme today re schools and Geocaching - starring Sarah & George of Team Tate. But the interesting thing is that the link that they have put on the You & Yours programme write-up is to this site & not!
    I swear I did not have anything to do with this - they provided the link!
    So best behaviour please
    Sarah xx

  2. #2
    paul.blitz Guest


    Originally posted by Team Tate@Jul 31 2003, 09:49 PM
    Radio 4 broadcast a programme today re schools and Geocaching - starring Sarah & George of Team Tate. But the interesting thing is that the link that they have put on the You & Yours programme write-up is to this site & not!
    I swear I did not have anything to do with this - they provided the link!
    So best behaviour please
    Sarah xx
    Don't seem to be able to find the page for 31/7 broadcast for You & Yours.....


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Hi Paul,

    If you go to then click on factual. Then scroll down on "Listen to the latest programmes". Click on You and Yours. Then on the last 7 days box and Thursday. That will, for some bizzare reason take you to 24 July! So then change the address box to read index_20030731.shtml at the end and bingo! It plays.

    Alternatively, go to then click on the Listen again link in the geocaching section!

    Hope it works

    Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee

  4. #4
    The Hornet Guest


    Just listened to the clip. Thought is a very good programme. Well done to Sarah and especially George who gave an excellent explanation as to what the game is all about.

    I'm a governor of my local school and I'll certainly be suggesting to our headteacher we do something similar when the little horrors (and the children ) get back after the summer break.


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