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Thread: why can i see select items in the forums

  1. #1
    geofoxuk Guest


    i am new to geocaching and this site i have signed up have acess to the froums but i can not gain acess to posts such as Technology Advice Help Offered have only "Pinned: About this forum " post viewable or a small amout of the topics viewable

    i quote the Forum Guidelines
    "GAGB Forum

    Please be nice to each other, discuss your feelings and beliefs, but please do it nicely.

    Please do not be offended by the posts of others who might not agree with you 100%, they have a right to be heard also. But please do not be pedantic.

    Remember, it is always bad form to correct others spelling or grammar.

    Above all, let's keep this a nice place to be."

    how can it be a nice place to be when i cant access topics

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    There haven't been any recent posts in some forums, including Technology Advice and Help Offered. If you go to near the bottom of the page, you'll see "Showing 1 of 1 topics sorted by:" (or something like that) followed by drop-down boxes. The default in the third box, "from" is "Last 30 days". If you change that to "the beginning" then click "Go" you'll see all threads since that forum began. I hope that helps.
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    St Helens, Lancs, UK


    At the bottom of the list of topics you should find a line offering to sort and filter the postings. You may need to change the filter on this to read more than the 30 days to which it seems to default. Let us know how you get on - I think this is the first time anyone has suggested that the forums are not a nice place to be.

    Woops - Bill beat me to it!
    Enjoy your caching!

  4. #4
    geofoxuk Guest


    hi and thanks for that info if you did not know that was there how could any find older posts

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