Due to recent events elsewhere, we're getting an unprecedented influx of validating members. Because we were getting inundated with would-be spammers (see the pinned topic above) for some time now I've been vetting validating members manually.

The number of validating members has shot up dramatically in the last 24 hours, and I'm struggling a bit to keep up with it, so please be patient if it takes a while for your membership to be approved.

Also, you may see that when your membership is approved you're showing as a "Member (non-voting)". That happens automatically when I validate a member, and normally I then manually change that to simply "Member", but the process of doing that is rather tedious and right at the moment I've been giving priority to validation itself. You can change your own status here.

I've also been getting quite a few requests from people who haven't signed in for some time and have forgotten their passwords. Again, please be patient, I'll get to you eventually!

Bill, Chairman GAGB