When you are giving a longitude West of the Greenwich Meridian line, should you refer to it as being an 'Easting' or a 'Westing'
(the actual coordinates are preceded with a W)
When you are giving a longitude West of the Greenwich Meridian line, should you refer to it as being an 'Easting' or a 'Westing'
(the actual coordinates are preceded with a W)
West of Grenwich with a W are westings (Shown as negative when not using E or W in the coords) The others, heading East from Grenwich, are eastings.
Northings, N, north of the equator are shown as positive and southings, S, south of the equator are shown as negative.
Last edited by Just Roger; 8th June 2008 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Fingers not doing the right things