The remaining seven are:
St Martins Head, Scilly (nothing hard about that one - there was an Event earlier this year

Spring botanising visit pending. )
Staddon Fort, Plymouth (seen several times, needs weekday visit?)
Fort Rowner, Gosport (seen it, missed the open day

- maybe a letter will do it)
Fort Southwick, Portsmouth (seen it; as of 2005 the fort was being converted to apartments?)
Fort Purbrook, Portsmouth (seen it, Hants CC, should be OK by arrangement, weekday?)
Fort Borstal, Chatham (letter to the couple who live there? as you suggested, or at least winter 'scope view - hidden by vegetation)
Plaistow Resr, London (seen it...)
So there is hope for a few of these. The three around Portsmouth would be good as a group visit :cheers: - any volunteers (to organise
