Is there such a thing as a GB wide events calendar? If so where?
Is there such a thing as a GB wide events calendar? If so where?
Think your supposed to buy one off Mandy and write them on yourself!
Sorry, not on commission! h34r:
An events calendar would be excellent! :socool:
If you look near the top of this page there is a link to "calender" down the bottom of that page you can change from default caender to events calender. If everyone pops their event onto there then we will have our very own event calender
I have just entered our next Somerset & Bristol quarterly get-together into the Events calendar ..... in 2wks time
It only appears in the 'event' calendar where the other events are appearing in 'Default' and 'Event'.
- Do I need to add it twice ?
... hopefully we will have a date for Mega2 soon.
I initial put the events that I knew about into the default calender but then realised that with the birthdays in there as well it would get crowded so I set up another calender and didn't bother deleting the events from the first.
:socool: thanks for that, useful planning tool if one is not sure where to head for a weekend! Now how about filling it chaps?
Wondering why Tiger-Eyes has put the FME on the calendar under 31st Aug and not 31st Oct . Hope there isn't duff info out there and it's just paw trouble from the tiger
No worries, I saw the mistake so added it the 31st Oct, hope there's no double listing. I also added the other things.
This could be quite a useful tool