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Thread: OS Extras / POI

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default OS Extras / POI

    GPS compatible location data for surviving OS pillars is now freely available from a variety of sources such as here or the excellent Open Source mapping here . But I've found comparable information about the many destroyed pillars and miscellaneous bits of surveying furniture is harder to come across, so I've put together a file containing as much detail as I've so far managed to piece together.

    I've uploaded a .csv file to a new 'OS Extras' folder in the 'Files' part of the yahoo Trigonomy group. It is aimed mainly at users of Garmin etrex GPS receivers (such as etrex Vista/ Legend etc) who want to store this information on their handset without being restricted to using the limited numbers of 'Waypoints' available. The file contains 4 columns (Lon, Lat, Name, Description)and so can be dumped straight into Garmin's POI loader. Also included are a .bmp file to go into the POI with the main file, and an .xls spreadsheet with running totals for the various categories included. I'm fairly sure that the data could be uploaded to other GPSr brands without too much trouble.

    Currently included in the file are location data for:

    Active Stations 144
    Berntsen 99
    Block 14
    Bolt 94
    Buried Block 4
    Centre 1
    Concrete Ring 6
    Curry Stool 9
    FBM 204
    Fenomark 2
    Ferrule 1
    Gravity FBM 4
    Non-OS Pillar 15
    OSPillarExtant 26
    OSPillarMissing 483
    Rivet 130
    Surface Block 202
    Trig Station 10

    giving a total of 1448. Much of this data is derived directly from TUK , Bench-Marks or the OS . It's been jigged about a bit with GSAK . I will be updating the file to cover as much of the passive stations database as I can find sensible coords for at a later date.
    There will very possibly be a number of inconsistencies or inaccuracies - please let me know of any that you spot, or indeed any other suggestions or comments.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    Ta muchly!

    Now I'll never get to bed early tonight...
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Bear and Ragged View Post
    Ta muchly!

    Now I'll never get to bed early tonight...
    Glad you found it useful.

    OS Extras file now updated - 39 further stations added. All known Active Stations, Passive Stations & extant or destroyed Triangulation Pillars are now included, plus sundry other points of interest as listed on T:UK

    If anyone spots an omission, please let me know.



  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default OS Extras Update

    I've uploaded an updated version of the OS Extras file to the Trigonomy group. It's a .csv sheet designed to be dropped straight into a Garmin GPSr via their POI loader, with accompanying .bmp image, but should be easily adaptable for other GPSr/applications.

    Location data for extant trig pillars is readily available, either directly from websites or, better still, via Open Source Mapping. The OS Extras file aims to fill a gap by providing location data for pillars that are missing or destroyed. In addition, it contains data for all non-pillar passive stations, active stations, and sundry other objets such as curry stools, fenomarks and concrete rings. In other words, everything on T:UK, minus a few things that clearly shouldn't be there (such as benchmarks...), plus a good deal more that arguably should be there. Current total is 1505, made up as follows:

    Active Stations 144
    Bench Mark 1
    Berntsen 99
    Block 20
    Bolt 110
    Buried Block 4
    Centre 2
    Concrete Ring 8
    Curry Stool 9
    FBM 204
    Fenomark 11
    Ferrule 1
    Gravity FBM 4
    Non-OS Pillar 17
    OS Pillar Extant 25
    OS Pillar Missing 480
    Phantom Trig 12
    Platform Bolt 2
    Rivet 139
    Spider 6
    Surface Block 206
    Tidal Gauge Bolt 1

    Total 1505

    Any queries, or anything else that should appear, please let me know.



  5. #5
    ted Guest



    > Concrete Ring 8

    9 by my reckoning:

    In the Lake District:
    Knipe Moor
    Seat Robert
    Selside Brow (aka Branstree)
    Great Yarlside

    and in the Pennines:
    Stonesdale Moor (aka Roberts Seat)
    High Seat
    Swarth Fell Pike

    With maybe a few more lurking. The OS record of the buried block at Millstone Rigg
    near Nine Standards Rigg looked hopeful but I couldn't find anything and the strange
    looks at my excavation efforts from passers by on this popular hill didn't help

    The buried block at Tees Head, not far from the trig on Cross Fell, is another possible -
    I haven;'t checked that one yet.

    Last edited by ted; 29th July 2009 at 07:20 PM. Reason: Can't spell proper

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Thanks Ted, I'd missed Sails, now added.

    Let me know how the digging goes on Tees Head!



  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default POI file for Trig Points

    I've uploaded to Trigonomy a new POI .csv file for use with a Garmin GPSr, containing location data for all known Trig Pillars, extant or destroyed, plus FBMs, Active & Passive Stations and other notable trig marks such as Curry stools, Concrete Rings, Fenomarks, Spiders, Phantom Trigs etc.

    Where pillars have been converted to Blocks, relocated or replaced by another station this should be indicated too, and the reason for a pillars's demise is given where known.

    The material that previously comprised the OS Extras POI file has been incorporated here, so it has been discontinued. The current total is 7592 - if there's anything to be added please let me know.

    The file has also been uploaded this POI site , which purports to convert files for use with other types of GPSr. I don't have any immediate means of checking the accuracy of this procedure, owning only a Garmin GPSr, so any feedback regarding other brands would be welcome.

    (23h41 - Version 1.1 uploaded...)

    Last edited by agentmancuso; 4th August 2009 at 11:42 PM. Reason: update

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default New version of Trig Points POI file

    I've uploaded a new version of this Garmin POI file to trigonomy, adding a fair bit of extra detail:

    * FB numbers for all pillars that ever had one
    * Vanessas identified
    * access problems flagged
    * reports of damage (fairly serious only)
    * toppled or leaning
    * reason for loss if known
    * details of replacement pillars
    * stonebuilt, cylindrical, other shape irregularities

    Where a pillar has been shunted to the edge of a field or behind the barn or whatever, co-ords relate to the new location, not the original point, and in some such cases, there are directions to help find awkward pillars.

    (Also available here for other GPSr)

    Any omissions or corrections to the usual address etc.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Passive Station ID numbers now added to description field.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Trig Points POI file updated.

  11. #11
    ted Guest


    > Let me know how the digging goes on Tees Head!

    > Regards,
    > Bernie

    2 years later I finally got round to checking this one. Now logged as
    Buried under an assortment of stones and rubbish.

    So that makes 10 of these circular stations so far (5 Pennines, 5 Lake District).

    The OS records imply another on Nine Standards Rigg. The grid ref puts it next to the toposcope. I checked a while ago and couldn't find it but might be worth another visit with a metal detector.


  12. #12

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Good news Ted, I'll add it to the database.

    Incidently, the POIFriend site was shut down a while back, so that option is closed for now, but if anybody wants a copy of my GSAK trigs database emailed just let me know.

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