Hi folks,
I've found a loophole that allows geocache users to view the cache details and logs of an un-published cache, providing they have received a watchlist email for a TB that has been placed in it. I've dropped an email to groundspeak to advise them of this, but wondered if it was already known and other people had noticed it? I was already aware that it was possible to get the cache co-ordinates if a TB had been placed, but not until last night did I realise that it's also possible to view the cache page itself.
I have to confess I did use the information to solve the cache, claim ftf and retrieve the TB from it last night, before the cache was published. I called the cache owner and explained what I did and how I did it and they were quite shocked at the ease at which it was done, and the fact this loophole allows a cacher to read the reviewers logs to.