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Thread: New Members

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    In the committee nominations thread (here) "Friendly Flyer" said the following :

    Quite a few of us (me included) can't vote.

    We hadn't joined at the time the poll was started and are thus blocked.

    Is it possible for an admin to unlock polls while these important votes take place?


    Started the thread here rather than allow that one to go off topic.

    Sorry Colin, this is a deliberate policy and was done to prevent people signing up additional and spurious memberships simply for the purpose of having multiple votes in the elections.

    I know that there is a downside to this, in as much as it prevents upright and honest voters such as yourself from voting.

    It's a bit of a difficult situation. We knew that there would be a number of fake sign-ups (we have already caught quite a few). One way to prevent this happening would be to stop new members signing up during the poll process, but that would simply reject members.

    An alternative was to just inhibit voting by new members for a while.

    This is one reason why we had such a long period before we started the polls, we had to give members ample time to join (not having a dig at you or anybody else).

    Now I just know that someone is going to come back and say "No that is not fair because . . . " . Well, sorry, but we know we will be wrong with someone, no matter what we did, it's a case of best endeavours. We just do the best we can.

  2. #2
    Friendly Flyer Guest


    Actually, my comment was more to explain why such a small percentage of members had voted, rather than moaning that I personally couldn't vote.

    Given that we now seem to have about 230 members what percentage of them are eligable to vote in the current poll?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    her than moaning that I personally couldn't vote
    Sorry, my reply was badly worded. I realise you were not complaining.

    members what percentage of them are eligable to vote in the current poll
    To date, all bar 19 can vote !

  4. #4
    Omally Guest


    O.K., so only 19 cannot vote... Hmmm...

    Come on everyone! This is your committee! :

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    How many "null" votes have been cast?
    Muggle - One Voice - One Vote

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Currently there have been 64 votes for the candidates. There have been 71 votes in all, so that means that 7 people have voted "Null" or "abstained".

    We know that two of these were in error.

    No, sorry guys, we cannot reset your vote !

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