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Thread: a rare chance to view the musings of the founder!!!!!

  1. #1
    nobbynobbs Guest

    Default a rare chance to view the musings of the founder!!!!!

    Yes you have the chance to observe the rarely seen lesser spotted Jeremy. I can understand that you think he's just a mythical creature but just go here:


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales


    I just hope that treaclefudge is a Star Wars fan, otherwise he'll be totally confused!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Church Warsop, Notts


    He used to be a regular visitor to the forums, but seems to bee very busy these days: probably something to do with the success of Groundspeak and various projects in the pipeline.

  4. #4
    nobbynobbs Guest


    I just found it strange that after all the topics and angst that has done the rounds on the dark side forums without a murmur, he pounces on a thread that implies that he copied letterboxing

  5. #5
    Simply Paul Guest


    I'd not call it strange, I'd call it funny. Just not ha-ha funny

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    North Wales


    actually it's very explainable it's all to do with some issues Jeremy had with US Letterboxers, in the early days of of Jeremy registered the domain [I could be slightly out on the name] presumably with the idea of giving Letterboxers in the states a resources rich site where it was easy to log their finds and share their experiences. A group who use one of the 2 Letterbox sites in the states, took umbridge and gave Jeremy grief about his plans.

    So now the whole subject hits a nerve with Jeremy, especially when someone comes along and says Geocaching is based on Letterboxing

    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  7. #7
    sTeamTraen Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by nobbynobbs View Post
    I just found it strange that after all the topics and angst that has done the rounds on the dark side forums without a murmur, he pounces on a thread that implies that he copied letterboxing
    I presume somebody forwarded it to him. I don't think he has an alert for mentions of the word "letterboxing" in the forums. And these days he's too busy perusing the Lear Jet catalogue to read threads himself.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Maybe GSP should set up a contact e-mail - which would guarantee a rapid response (unlike appeals@, contact@ etc.h34r:

  9. #9
    Simply Paul Guest


    He speaks again! And he quotes me!! I am honoured, and oh-so tempted to take that thread off topic and ask The Grand Wizard to comment on the angst Groundspeak's unconscionable treatment of a past reviewer, and a selection of your other favourite topics of descent has caused in the UK... If I though we'd get a reply, I might even do it.

  10. #10
    nobbynobbs Guest


    amazing!! LOL. though I upset them when they asked to use some of my photos, I said yes as long as it wasn't for profit or if it was then only if I had a percentage of the profits.... I was told something like my aims didn't match theirs.....

    are we sure that it's jeremy. maybe someone's hacked his account!!!!

  11. #11
    Simply Paul Guest


    When they asked if they could use my photos -they wanted emailing hires versions- I also asked what was in it for me. I didn't get a reply but I wait in hope. This was a couple of years ago. Nothing much changes...

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