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Thread: Image adding problem

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    I noticed Subarite hadn't been able to post an image in the 'Travel Bug Daffy Duck' thread, so I gave instructions there, complete with a posted image (or so I thought), and it didn't work. Like him, I just got the url, not the image.

    I put the url, including http://, into [.IMG]url[./IMG] tags (without the leading dots).

    The image I tried to use was from the groundspeak server. Could it just have been blocked to prevent bandwidth theft, or is there a general problem with adding images here on GAGB? Or am I doing something stupid?

    Admin? Help?
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  2. #2
    Team Paradise Guest


    Hmmm... Now I guess this thread will deteriorate to an image testing thread, so I may as well start...

    Test image using the 'IMG' button.

    Test image hyperlink using the 'http//' button

    Test link using raw html

  3. #3
    Team Paradise Guest


    Here you go... Use the 'http://' button !


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Team Paradise wrote:

    Here you go... Use the 'http://' button !
    Yes, using the http button is fine for a link to an image, but the problem is actually displaying an image on the forum page, either using the IMG button or putting the tags in direct. That doesn't seem to work.
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  5. #5
    Subarite Guest


    All I wanted to do was embed an image in the text...


  6. #6
    Omally Guest


    I had the same problem on my post about me old desk. In the end I just gave up trying and put the pic on my own site and added a link.

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