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Thread: emCache - the East Midlands Geocaching community

  1. #1
    The Web Rat Guest

    Default emCache - the East Midlands Geocaching community

    Recently started emCache is a regional Geocaching community targeted towards the East Midlands, the sites main feature is the forum which offers both public and member access.

    Other features include a dedicated area for puzzle solving, a download area plus free email accounts. Many more features are in development and users are invited to contribute their own ideas for the site.
    Last edited by studlyone; 1st November 2008 at 09:18 AM. Reason: Approved external link

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Hurrah. :socool:

  3. #3
    uk89camaro Guest


    Nice Robin. Took a photo of a friendly one at New Quay (West Wales) this week. He was a fat burgger though, fed on chips and burgers.

  4. #4
    keehotee Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by The Web Rat View Post

    Recently started emCache is a regional Geocaching community targeted towards the East Midlands, the sites main feature is the forum which offers both public and member access.

    Other features include a dedicated area for puzzle solving, a download area plus free email accounts. Many more features are in development and users are invited to contribute their own ideas for the site.
    Please note, emcache no longer offers public access, and will require you to create a user name and password when joining.

  5. #5
    Derbytwo Guest


    emcache has vanished my browser says????

    "Domain name reserved for future use"

    Any thoughts?


  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Nottingham, UK


    emCache is coming back very soon.

    Recently we have gone through some very big admin and hosting changes. The site is up and online we are just waiting for the DNS records to be updated for its new site. This could take up to 48 hours but hopefully it won't.

    Keep checking back, we have not gone just going through a major update.
    Adam Robbins (Bobbinz)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Nottingham, UK


    emCache should now slowly be coming back online. It will depend on your ISP as to exactly when you get it again.
    Last edited by bobbinz; 21st October 2011 at 04:35 PM.
    Adam Robbins (Bobbinz)

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Because of a dispute between some EMcache members and another cacher in the area (I understand some EMcache members have been reported to the police :wacko:, although who, and why is beyond me ), EMcache forums have been disabled. If you search for EMcache on google you will see the following message...

    As of 24/09/2012 ceased operation.
    All content has now been permanently deleted.
    The following has been posted on
    It appears Jacaru and his followers have once again sabotaged yet another emCache hosted event, others may not be aware of a complaint he has lodged with the police against emCache. With that complaint in mind I’ll leave everyone else to work why he feels that he should continue to attend emCache hosted events – a group which he considers to have broken the law.
    This situation has gone miles past the ridiculous point and I think the time has come to pull the plug. emCache is in effect held hostage and to be frank I can no longer be bothered. I would appreciate if the remaining funds held by our treasurer are donated to a reputable and worthy charity.
    Many thanks to all who have taken part in the emCache community over the years and I hope you will enjoy tomorrows quiz, I intend to drop by for a short time. If I don’t get chance to catch any of you tomorrow I wish you all the best for the future.
    I trust you are happy Jacaru, you have achieved your goal.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    North Wales


    There are always 2 sides to a story, and you have posted just one side. The posted comments were made as a log to the EMCache Event, which has been Deleted.

    There is a lot of background history, a lot of which is not nice. The account posting the log, is a Sock Account. As the accounts owner had no wish to post it under his Primary account.

    As for

    It appears Jacaru and his followers have once again sabotaged yet another emCache hosted event,
    Which is in relation to a event which should have taken place this year. Please contact the owner of the Sock Account, or the Owner of the event referred to, and ask them to honestly explain why the event was Archived before taking place.

    Again there are 2 sides to a story. but you seem to be aware of just one at present.

    The owner of the Sock Account, is a member of this forum, maybe he will explain under that account?

    To avoid any misunderstanding bobbinz is not the owner of the Sock Account.

    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Porthcawl S Wales


    I followed the event listing and read the posts/logs made so I am aware of some of the issues.

    I have been in email contact with Jacaru and been pleased to meet him at a number of events , to be part of his Facebook group and I would class him as a friend. Although I didn't realise he was so influential and had followers in such numbers

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mancunian View Post
    There are always 2 sides to a story, and you have posted just one side.
    I agree, but I don't know Jacaru's side of the story, in fact I don't know Any side of the story, and it was a bit of a shock when EMcache was deleted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mancunian View Post

    The account posting the log, is a Sock Account. As the accounts owner had no wish to post it under his Primary account.
    I don't know what a 'sock' account is, and the owner's name is on the account if one looks about, I am not in the mind of the owner, therefore I do not know any motivation for posting it there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mancunian View Post

    To avoid any misunderstanding bobbinz is not the owner of the Sock Account.
    I am aware of this, but I think it is only right that everyone knows that Bobbinz handed over control of EMcache several months ago, so thanks for clarifying that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mancunian View Post

    Thanks Deci for your post, and I for one would wish that people could get along, but as you say there is a lot of history, and I am not privy to this, and to be honest would rather not be involved at all. I know that on EMcache, there were mostly pleasant posts about Jacaru, and when there was one unecessary post (and I only ever saw one), it got deleted by the mods in short time.

    For those interested, the notification I put in my earlier post can be found here...

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Nottingham, UK


    I feel I should post here.

    I ran the emCache site as many of you probably know for a while and in the end had to pack it in for two main reasons:

    1 was that I had, and still have, little time for caching and the other being that emCache has been for a long time at the centre of a long running fight between two groups of cachers.

    This battle started a long time before I was a cacher and for a long time I ignored it and pretended it wasn't there. When I took over the emCache site almost 12 months ago exactly I was immidately inserted into the middle of this battle.

    I still show no interest in this fight and try not to take sides. I am still happy to call both sides my friends, although I never see them and one group is never happy to talk to me.

    I am very saddened to see the emCache site go as I made a lot of very long term friends through the group, spent a lot of time updating it and can honestly say it helped me through the hardest times of my life so far.

    Since dropping all caching activities sometime in February (ish) I have still been reading the forums and keeping up to date with the ever diminishing numbers of posts.

    I hope that the death of what I believe to be one of the strongest online communities ever teaches you all a lesson. Please be friends, put the past away, file it under B for Bin, M for Memories or whatever. Just put it away and cache on.

    If anybody still wants to carry on the emCache group I would be more than happy to step back up and take it on once more.

    Adam Robbins (Bobbinz)

  13. #13

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    Nottingham, UK


    I would like to add a MASSIVE thanks to Tim for setting the site up in the first place. I am sorry it has ended this way.

    See you around and enjoy more time with your wife and children, you deserve it.

    Adam Robbins (Bobbinz)

  14. #14
    Ve8 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Mancunian View Post
    There are always 2 sides to a story, and you have posted just one side. The posted comments were made as a log to the EMCache Event, which has been Deleted.
    It was not a sock account, but I am the author of the statement and stand by it. Suggesting smudger105e is ignoring one side of a story is unfair as he was only quoting a closure notice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mancunian View Post
    As the accounts owner had no wish to post it under his Primary account.
    That is out of order, you of all people should know my "Primary account" has been subject to a ban which has been imposed since May - this is why the log was posted by proxy. Spinning that to give the impression I'm hiding is a new low even for you. If you had done some basic homework before posting you would have noticed the above had been cut'n pasted from my personal site - no hiding, no socks.

    Quote Originally Posted by mollyjak View Post
    I followed the event listing and read the posts/logs made so I am aware of some of the issues.

    I have been in email contact with Jacaru and been pleased to meet him at a number of events , to be part of his Facebook group and I would class him as a friend. Although I didn't realise he was so influential and had followers in such numbers
    I take it you missed the "two sides" bit

    This will be my last post on this thread, I'm taking the high ground and walking away. I suggest a GAGB mod monitors this topic VERY carefully.

  15. #15

    Join Date
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    North Wales


    Sorry Tim, I had forgotten that your Primary account is Banned, and there is no indication of that fact on your Sock Account (I can discuss in private with you, the proof about the account being set up by you). And for forgetting that fact, I apologise.

    FYI, I did not remember, as I have had so much to deal with in regards to my Spouses health recently. That I ended up taking a unplanned break from Reviewing, to try and cope with what is happening at home. And I only occasionally cover East Midlands now, so have lost regular contact with what is happening in the Region.

    That is out of order, you of all people should know my "Primary account" has been subject to a ban which has been imposed since May - this is why the log was posted by proxy. Spinning that to give the impression I'm hiding is a new low even for you. If you had done some basic homework before posting you would have noticed the above had been cut'n pasted from my personal site - no hiding, no socks.
    Just so we are very clear, you accessed GC using your Sock Account to post the message? The copy of the message I saw, was posted to the EMCache Event page, and the Log had been Deleted (Reviewers have access to the Deleted logs)

    You have revealed you have been Banned from GC, yet the notification you received from Groundspeak in regards to that Ban, would have made it very clear that you were not to access the Site using any account? Because that is standard practice by Groundspeak.

    And can we make it clear, that the complaint to the Police was against 2 Named members of EMCache, not EMCache it's self. Because that is what publicly the person who made the complaint, has posted elsewhere.

    Please confirm if I have it correct that you have accessed GC despite being Banned? And the complaint was specifically against 2 named persons

    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  16. #16

    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Mancunian View Post
    Just so we are very clear, you accessed GC using your Sock Account to post the message?

    You have revealed you have been Banned from GC, yet the notification you received from Groundspeak in regards to that Ban, would have made it very clear that you were not to access the Site using any account? Because that is standard practice by Groundspeak.

    And can we make it clear, that the complaint to the Police was against 2 Named members of EMCache, not EMCache it's self. Because that is what publicly the person who made the complaint, has posted elsewhere.

    Please confirm if I have it correct that you have accessed GC despite being Banned? And the complaint was specifically against 2 named persons

    All the above seems rather attacking, aggressive and bitter to me, from the little knowledge I have about the ongoing problems that there seem to exist between certain individuals. Is it not time to stop attacking people in this way, and follow Tim's example and walk away, head held high? And this is directed at everyone, not just Deci.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ve8 View Post

    This will be my last post on this thread,
    And I think this line in Tim's post precludes him from replying to Deci's post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ve8 View Post
    Suggesting smudger105e is ignoring one side of a story is unfair as he was only quoting a closure notice.
    Thank you, Tim.

    I also would like to say I am not ignoring one side of the story, as I know almost nothing about both sides of the story!! I do not know who I would consider to be in the wrong, as I know the arguments or grievances on neither side!

  17. #17

    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    In order that everyone who was an EMcache member can still chat and communicate, I have created a Facebook Group called East Midlands Geocachers. If you wish to be added to the group, just request on Facebook

    I know Facebook is not the be all and end all, and that not everyone has an account, but it's better than nothing.

  18. #18

    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    A shame, emCache had to have been one of the most active UK Geocaching communities out there!

    Thank you Tim, and Bobbinz, for both your hard work in keeping it running for so long
    GAGB Chair
    Chair 2020-2021 & 2023-
    Vice Chair 2019-2020
    Committee Member since 2015
    Member since 2012

  19. #19

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset


    Quote Originally Posted by smudger105e View Post
    In order that everyone who was an EMcache member can still chat and communicate, I have created a Facebook Group called East Midlands Geocachers. If you wish to be added to the group, just request on Facebook

    I know Facebook is not the be all and end all, and that not everyone has an account, but it's better than nothing.
    I was going to add the group to the master list of Regional Facebook groups, but can't find a group called "East Midlands Geocachers". Can you give me a link please.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  20. #20


    Jen, I can't find that group either, but there is now a new Emcache Facebook page of which I am a member. The new Facebook page is administered by some of the old Emcache members and their page can be found here. Again, as with GeM ~ Geocaching Midlands, it is a closed group so people will have to ask to join.

    Both groups are running well side by side and a lot of people are members of both. GeM can be found here

  21. #21

    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Well I'm bloody confused.

    I took a few months off and everything disappears.

    Grow the f*** up people, it may be a game but it doesn't mean you have to be childish.

    On a friendlier note .. where is the emcache community now? They were a friendly bunch.

  22. #22

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    See the post above yours for the Facebook groups.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

  23. #23

    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    By the looks of things, someone else has started another emCache forum
    GAGB Chair
    Chair 2020-2021 & 2023-
    Vice Chair 2019-2020
    Committee Member since 2015
    Member since 2012

  24. #24


    I missed the latest posts in this thread until I was looking round to find any information about the rebirth of the emcache website.

    I only went to my first emcache event in sept 2011 and signed up for the forums not long after so missed all the goings on and only learned of some tension from the odd post or shoutbox comment, even from this i could tell that in the past there had been a falling out between cachers.

    So i know next to nothing of the original problem or any that have come up along the way like most of the emcache members, most of us just want to cache for goodness sakes.

    What has made me want to post here about this is the post from Deci directed at Tim can i just say WOW i didnt know you could put so much hate in a forum post.

    So it turns out that Deci knows more about this ongoing falling out than me or most emcache members, like most other bits of information on the issue no facts are ever posted and was hoping Deci could let us all know the details since it looks like you know loads more about this than i or other emcachers.

    I think if all this was out in the open it would have gone away a long time ago and people could just get on with caching.

    I'm a member of both facebook groups EMcache2012 and Gem and have not had any problems with either and wish other people could do the same.

  25. #25

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    North Wales


    Quote Originally Posted by stainless-steel-rat View Post
    I missed the latest posts in this thread until I was looking round to find any information about the rebirth of the emcache website.

    I only went to my first emcache event in sept 2011 and signed up for the forums not long after so missed all the goings on and only learned of some tension from the odd post or shoutbox comment, even from this i could tell that in the past there had been a falling out between cachers.

    So i know next to nothing of the original problem or any that have come up along the way like most of the emcache members, most of us just want to cache for goodness sakes.

    What has made me want to post here about this is the post from Deci directed at Tim can i just say WOW i didnt know you could put so much hate in a forum post.

    So it turns out that Deci knows more about this ongoing falling out than me or most emcache members, like most other bits of information on the issue no facts are ever posted and was hoping Deci could let us all know the details since it looks like you know loads more about this than i or other emcachers.

    I think if all this was out in the open it would have gone away a long time ago and people could just get on with caching.

    I'm a member of both facebook groups EMcache2012 and Gem and have not had any problems with either and wish other people could do the same.
    Tim had my support and I went to bat to for him, only to end up with a sewer being dumped on my head, when a lot of the truth came out.

    There was tit for tat involved. But a lot of it, could have been avoided, if instead of sticking the knife in, then deleting the posts on FB (and people started screen grabbing the posts, as evidence, before they were deleted), in reaction to some very unwarranted comments and emails. If Tim had come directly to me with them, I would have spoken to those involved.

    The whole mess could have been stopped in it's tracks, instead. What was a very special Stats Site, supported by Bryan one of Groundspeak's owners, (and who I had personally gone to expressing support for the project), personally once a week, ran a "All UK, query of the Database, so pulling everything in the UK for Tim, to use in his Stats site.

    Because of the nastiness, and no I am not joking that happened on both sides. A number requested that their cache data was pulled off the Stats Site (again I went to bat on Tim's Side in support) pointing out Groundspeak was providing the Data under Licence. Tim refused, they then went to Groundspeak, who then agreed that their Data be pulled, Tim then pulled down the Stats Site.

    And when he did, he posted a now very Famous Landing Page, which had

    "GAGB Bar Stewards! on the page, and there are saved copies of that page. If anyone wishes to argue. And at the same time, what had actually been happening, was brought to my attention.

    So there is some of what happened, some more I am aware of but was not involved in. Belongs to others to explain what happened.

    I will fight tooth and nail for those who I know, or truly believe are in the right. But I expect them to be totally honest with me, due to that.

    What I will not sit back and let happen, are those who lie to me, give me half stories and untruths, in order to get me to help them with their mischief.

    Nor will I sit back when they try to destroy, those who give so much for the community, or try to pull down the GAGB , with unwarranted attacks

    Both as a Member and as a Reviewer, I have put a huge amount of personal commitment into this hobby. As both I have worked with Landowners, I was the first person to organise a CITO in the UK, and that involved Permission off CADW, as it took place at Fflint Castle, I was the first person at least in Wales, and possibly the UK to obtain Landowner Permission for a cache in a SSSI, CCW were involved in that one, So I worked with the 2Designating Authorities in Wales from the start.

    So I am very protective of this Hobby and it's future. And will not stand by and watch anyone try to destroy it, in any way.

    All of the above can lead to Bolshie posts at times, but the well being of the Hobby is always at the heart of them.

    Personal Statement of Interest!

    Geocaching is more than just a hobby for me personally. As a Full Time Carer to 3 Members of my Family. It gives me a permanent Escape, from the 4 Wall Syndrome, all Carers suffer from. It has given me a huge number of Friends, from the virtually zero I had before becoming a Geocacher. I have Gained in confidence thousands of percent (I spent the weekend, Playing Santa at 2 separate events. 10 years ago, you'd have had a hope in hells chance of me ever doing that). Over the last 10 Years I have been to Up and down the Country to events (which are respite for both me and my family, because it gets us apart). I've achieved something I had wanted to do for 40 years (the Morecambe Bay walk) with other Reviewers and a Lackey, well over 100 people I consider good friends, and another 100+ I consider friends. So this is not a hobby or a passion, it is a Life Line, for me Personally. That is how much Geocaching means to me!
    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

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