Because of a dispute between some EMcache members and another cacher in the area (I understand some EMcache members have been reported to the police :wacko:, although who, and why is beyond me
), EMcache forums have been disabled. If you search for EMcache on google you will see the following message...
As of 24/09/2012 ceased operation.
All content has now been permanently deleted.
The following has been posted on
It appears Jacaru and his followers have once again sabotaged yet another emCache hosted event, others may not be aware of a complaint he has lodged with the police against emCache. With that complaint in mind I’ll leave everyone else to work why he feels that he should continue to attend emCache hosted events – a group which he considers to have broken the law.
This situation has gone miles past the ridiculous point and I think the time has come to pull the plug. emCache is in effect held hostage and to be frank I can no longer be bothered. I would appreciate if the remaining funds held by our treasurer are donated to a reputable and worthy charity.
Many thanks to all who have taken part in the emCache community over the years and I hope you will enjoy tomorrows quiz, I intend to drop by for a short time. If I don’t get chance to catch any of you tomorrow I wish you all the best for the future.
I trust you are happy Jacaru, you have achieved your goal.