GSP cache listing considerations.
- Night tacks
- London caches
- Political caches
- Charity caches
- Camping events
- Caches without logbooks
- Neglected caches
- Abandoned caches
- Power trails (definition)
- Churchyard / graveyard caches
- Railway station caches
- Historic caches (1st in UK etc)
- War memorials
- commercial caches
- event accessibility generally,
- landowner agreement in a time of heightened security
This is a list of the new things to consider when listing a cache (on Groundspeak) that have been mentioned / discussed or added to in the GC forum since the begining of september.
Ive ignored a few repeats and probably missed a few at the same time as i did not open every thread.
I felt that listing them here would enable a none GSP discussion to take place.
Last edited by markandlynn; 4th November 2008 at 04:20 PM.
Reason: abondoned is a good word wonder what it means added SP's to list
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."