I received the following email this evening reference a cache that has been found (name of area and finders deleted):
Now I'm sure this is not one of my caches but have an idea whose it is and I've copied the email to them.We are a group of volunteers from a community centre in ********. We have
been doing clearance work in the woods around the shore with the local
wildlife ranger. We discovered your box whilst clearing a load of trees and
undergrowth. We have tried on the website to see what we should do with it
but with no success. Could you please contact and advise us what to do with
it. Contact the ************* team on this address. Thankyou.
Sorry if we have messed up your game but we cannot replace it where it was
as the area is now wide open.
It's interesting to note that they were unable to find out what to do with it from the GC.COM website. I believe they got my email address from a 'calling card' I left in the cache and were good enough to make the effort to contact someone.
This perhaps add some weight to the 'single point of contact' argument that the GAGB could provide.