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Thread: Zagg shield

  1. #1
    Longitude Guest

    Default Zagg shield

    I read on another forum about a company called Zagg in the US who sell protective film for devices like phones, pda's and gps the idea being that when applied they save the screen from scratches. They aren't cheap at $12.95 and I thought with the cost of shipping from the US would be too expensive. However after a bit more research I found some discount codes that are given to customers to pass on to friends which give 20% discount so I decided to order one for my Oregon. Best news is that they have a distributor in the UK so 2nd class delivery was free. If you are interested this is their website and the two discount codes which they gave me and which are a one time use and last for the next 30 days are b3xk9p and z061nm. If you do order pass on your codes so more people can benefit. I have no connection with this company just a happy customer.
    Last edited by Bill D (wwh); 14th December 2008 at 01:22 PM. Reason: Approved link

  2. #2
    sTeamTraen Guest


    My Colorado is starting to look pretty battered (I've dropped it a few times) but the screen is still in perfect condition thanks to the Zagg "shield". It does need quite frequent cleaning, though.

    I believe that there is at least one alternative UK-based supplier of these films (which apparently come from the world of aviation). But I'm not sure if they have the same precision cutting tools as Zagg seems to use. This stuff can't be cut to shape with dressmaking scissors...

  3. #3
    nobbynobbs Guest


    I went to staples and got a basic HP type screen cover for my gps60 several years ago. very cheap and never had to replace yet.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Jurassic coast


    The Zagg Invisible Shields are awesome. I have a 4 year old one on my Venture, and I bought one for the Oregon a few weeks ago. The kit they send you is ace. They give you a little bottle of spray to wet your fingers and the film, and they give you a mini rubber squeegee to apply the film to the device. All very easy to use.

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