... I am amazed that anybody can be offended by this word.
... I am amazed that anybody can be offended by this word.
OBMBi was just about to post about this but MrsB beat me to it.
Ive found that very few people have the frelling mivonks when up to thier neck in dren to ask where in the hezmana they are the bunch of drannits
The bolas heathens have a what the Heck ? cache i know people swear at it all the time![]()
On gsp just try typing in a few swear words in the search box im shocked![]()
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."
Don't you call me an obmb, you cybaxre, you!
oops sorry MrsB it should be O.B.M.B. Cheers![]()
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."
I had to go and look that up! :lol:
But seriously, for a moment...
I would never have thought that anyone could object to 'heck'. I'm pretty sure we told our kids to use it when they were small, to avoid them using 'hell'. There are a couple of other words which seemed to be used in every-day American slang which are more unpleasant (to me) but they seem to be OK to others.
This whole thing about what's acceptable/what's not acceptable on an internationally-read forum is interesting though. I try to use 'the stranger in the street' principle when posting i.e. I try and use the same standard of language as I would if speaking to someone I'd never met before, in a public street. Naturally, this is different from the language I might use with friends in some other informal gathering.
I guess if you put up the 30 most common swear words/phrases used in the English language, then asked people to rate them according to their 'offensiveness' there might be a lot of variations.
I hoped you would get the subtle hintnowt like an "in" joke
frell yes on the swear words but in no way in dren id have guessed that heck was swear word.
i know some swear words from my yoof ! are now in common use and there are new ones also some interesting hand signs these days.
Lynn has a few words that offend her immensely but i dont think they are that bad.
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."
I always think the word pastie sums up the language differences more eloquently than any other word.
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."
It has crossed my mind that the Cornwall Tourist Board is missing out on a humorous novelty gift as a souvenir from Cornwall - pasty-shaped pasties.
Or maybe make a few baked pasties and then stick red tassles into the middle of them...
Very silly, I know... but all sorts of weird things get stuck into pasties these days.