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Thread: New member .. Hi all and one question!

  1. #1
    styks Guest

    Default New member .. Hi all and one question!

    Hi all,

    I've just joined your group and GAGB.
    My name is Steve (styks nik name) I answer to either
    I live near Dolgellau North Wales.

    I'm generally a solo walker but not so unsociable that I won't join a group every now and then.
    I did use a Garmin 12 for a short time, that's now actually up for sale on evil bay, but I was not very impressed. Oh it did what it's supposed to do and did it well, I just never got into it I guess.
    Anyhow I've been looking to get a mapping GPS, one I can install OS maps on. Now the prices have come down some I think it will be a great investment and they do look fun/usefull.

    Searching around I come across this Geocaching site ... my it looks fun!
    I think I'll give this a go

    My question if I may.
    I also do Ham Radio (MW1 CKK)and use a Yaesu VX-6 which I sometimes take on my journeys.
    Ahh me thinks ... can I combine GPS and HT ... Search and rescue etc etc.
    Now on another forum there is a dedicated Ham/gps page but it does seem mainly US users.
    Are there any members here who combine 2/70 TX and a Handheld GPS?
    If so which would be the best in you opinion?
    I was tempted by the Garmin eTrex Vista HCx but I read it does not have NMEA in/out for PC/Radio use (Not sure if I have that correct, just learning)
    So I'm thinking about a Garmin 60 CSX which I believe does?
    Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
    If I'm going to buy one it may as well do everthing I would like from the off.

    Sorry for the long first post ......... But if really get into it there will be longer ones, I can get rather verbose!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!



    Lot of questions, I'm sure others will be along to give answers.

    Ham Radio? Have you seen the SOTA (Summits on the Air) site? There's often a cache nearby.

    If you like walking try Cache Walker. Although most are around Warwickshire/Worcestershire/Gloucestershire, all are welcome.

    (And if you want to add routes with caches around your area, all the better!)
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales


    Welcome Steve

    I'm not going to plug any particular GPS, other more techie folks can do that, but you might like to look through this thread from last year -
    "Any radio hams here?"

    There is also a regional Geocaching forum for North Wales and Cheshire which you may like to have a look at.
    Last edited by Mrs Blorenge; 18th April 2009 at 09:56 PM.

  4. #4
    styks Guest


    Thanks both,

    Yes I know about SOTA, I've had several contacts with Hams from the local sumits here.
    Unfortunately my knees ( until fixed ) limit my ability to get to sumits.
    When I'm sorted I will no doubt bag a few.

    Thanks for the links, I'll join the local forum for sure. I understand your reluctance to push a particular GPS. All I really need to know is which GPS will allow me to input/output data (NMEA) in real time to my laptop and I can combine with Hand Held 2/70 TX.
    I found a site a few years ago that told me exactly what I need to do the job, but do you think I can find it!
    Once I can post on the other US forum I'll ask in their dedicated sub forum because quite a few Hams on there it seems.
    I can certainly add roots/caches around my area, there are some wonderfull and little known routes I've discovered.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    Don't quote me...
    But, I think all/most Garmins do have NMEA in/out...?
    Even my old Etrex Legend has that in the settings. for another cache/radio link
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  6. #6
    styks Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Bear and Ragged View Post
    Don't quote me...
    But, I think all/most Garmins do have NMEA in/out...?
    Even my old Etrex Legend has that in the settings.
    Ok thank you,

    I do now know that the new etrex Vista HCx does not do NMEA also after my research I have discovered that a serial conection is best and the 60csx does infact allow serial and usb conection.
    My only worry now is that my Sony Vaio only has usb capability.
    There might be a way around it, I hope anyway.

    I'm currently leaning towards the Garmin 60csx. It appears to be well thought of so it may do everything I need.

    I'll do a little bit more digging but so far it's winning.

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