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Thread: Contacting GAGB by phone

  1. #1
    The Committee Guest


    GAGB has set up a phone message service for anyone to display on their caches in case of query. The service allows a caller to leave a voice message on the message service, which we will forward via a cache listing website (eg in an Email (voice in a .wav file) to the cache owner. The GAGB will not get involved in the content of the message or act on behalf of the cache owner, except to include an approver should that become necessary. If you are unable to read a .wav file then we will ring you with the content of the message.

    In order to ensure that the message is forwarded to the relevant cacher, the greeting message asks for the name of the cache and ideally it's owner's caching name. It is therefore essential that anyone using this service includes these details on the cache which should be written on the outside of the cache, for example on an official sticker.

    The service is free to us and is charged by the service provider at the rate of 50p per minute to the caller at all times. The service provider claims that the number will never change - GAGB is unable to guarantee this. The service can be transferred around, so we'll spread any pain in running the service - volunteers welcome once the committee have suffered! There will be a delay before messages are forwarded - tests showed a delay of several hours before we received a mail, and it may not be forwarded immediately.

    This service is available to all UK cachers, regardless of whether they are members of GAGB. The number is 0709 2040 416.

    (message originally posted by Dave from The Wombles)
    Last edited by Bill D (wwh); 3rd October 2008 at 11:16 PM.

  2. #2
    paul.blitz Guest


    Please note that, to keep to the letter of the law, OFTEL requre that any time this number is listed, the call costs are also included.

    So can you please ensure that when you add the number to the "stashnote" in your cache, you do remember to include the call costs!


    Paul (with his committee hat on)

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