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Many Thanks for all the advice guys :socool:
hopfully my cache will be a good en while thinking about it i had a bit of a idea so i thought i would run it passed you guys first see what you think ?
my idea (prolly done before )
when i pub my cache have half dozen travel bugs and set a challange a sort of race to see which TB is first to curcumnavigate the globe and return to the cache ??
do you think it would work ??
Travel bug races have indeed been done before, as you probably know, but I don't remember any exactly like the one you're proposing (though someone will probably correct me, lol...!).
I do think that's a good idea, and I do think it would work, but you'll need to steel yourself to the fact that some of those TBs will go missing in action - unfortunately that's the norm now.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)