Looking for help on where to go to download a geocaching application for my blackberry curve
Looking for help on where to go to download a geocaching application for my blackberry curve
Highly recommended, you get to use it for 30 days free, then have to register for a small fee (about a tenner) but it's well worth it. I've been using it for about a year and wouldn't be without it.
Last edited by martybartfast; 4th July 2009 at 06:20 PM.
Big thanks mate
Did you download it from your phone?
What is the best way to search with this application? As all the names or code I enter never seem to be found?
The best way to use Cacheberry is to load Geocaches into it via a .GPX file. You can:
- Use GSAK on a PC to generate .GPX exports and load them onto the Blackberry, then import them into Cacheberry (this is what I do).
- Have Geocaching.com generate Pocket Queries (if you're a premium member), have them delivered via mail and open the .GPX attatchment in mail on the Blackberry; Cacheberry will then import the .GPX into it's database.
- Browse to a cache web page, and click the "GPX exchange file" button (I think you need to be a premium member for this too), which will load that individual cache into Cacheberry.
There are forums for Cacheberry at http://www.zitafarm.com/forum/ where the program developer hangs out, and there are lots of questions answered on there.
I'd never heard of this application before but I bought it straight away! Thanks very much for the info; I'm now completely paperless!
It only takes one drink to get me drunk, but I can never remember if it was the thirteenth or fourteenth.
i am having trouble getting the file from my pc to my blackberry anyone able to shed some light on this?
This is how I do it
Note to do this you need a Micro SD card in the Blackberry, any size should do as the data you're putting on there is relatively small, you can pick up a 2GB micro SD card for £2 from Amazon.
- Plug the BB into a USB port on the PC
- On the BB I get a message saying "Mass storage mode is being activated. Enter your device password to grant access" - so enter you unlock password for the BB.
- My BB appears as a drive on the PC (F: in my case)
- Use Windowes Explorer to create a folder in F:\ and copy your .gpx into there.
- Ubmount the F: drive and remove the BB from the USB. It will now take a minute or so while the BB scans the micro SD card, during which time the BB will seem to have hung, but don't worry this is normal.
- Start Cacheberry
- Choose "Import GPX/LOC file" from the main menu
- Choose SD card from the locations list
- Choose the folder & file you've created.
I don't know whether you can do GPX imports like this if you don't have a micro SD card.
There is an option in Cacheberry to "Receive GPX via USB" but I've never used this so don't know how it works.
You'll probably find more answers on the Cacheberry forums.
Good Luck.
cool thanks fella. the cacheberry forum is a great help also. i have a problem with the compass as it is black and shows no info. goggle mapps has my GPRS location but it looks like the compass and cachebeery can't find it?
Have you come across this beofre?
I created a GPX file using GSAK (you can limit the number if your database holds a lot of caches) and, having started the application on the phone, selected the “Receive GPX via USB” option because I don't have an SD card installed. Start the application on the PC, browse for the file and click “Send to Device”. It works with no problem at all; well, it does for me anyway!
It only takes one drink to get me drunk, but I can never remember if it was the thirteenth or fourteenth.
No, the compass worked first time for me. When you fired up Cacheberry/Compass mode did it ask for permission to access the GPS device?
You could try checking the permissions for Cacheberry.
From the main Blackberry screen select Options (the spanner icon)
Choose Applications
Choose Cacheberry
Click the Menu button and choose Edit permissions
Expand the Connections option
Make sure the GPS option is set to Allow.