I'm off down to Devon for a week in September, with the wife and the dog :lol:, so Mrs B has just about described my intended holiday.
When planning a holiday in a new area, I usually look up all the puzzle caches within a 15 mile radius of my base. I solve as many as possible (usually 80%+ but I'm not boasting) and plot them on a paper OS map.
I then add on to the map all the Trads and Multis which are fairly near to the puzzles, or on the way to/from them, and of a small size or larger.
Finally, I run a PQ of all those on my list.
The reasoning for this is as follows:-
If somebody has gone to the trouble of setting a decent puzzle, the chances are that there is a decent cache box to go with it, and that it is at a decent location. I know that this argument is not watertight, but it does seem to hold up more often than not.
I have nothing against micros per se. There are some very inventive micro hides and, of course, some wonderful locations which will only permit the placement of a micro/nano. My aversion to putting micros on my "to do" list is probably due to the increasing numbers of film canisters which appear to have been "chucked in hedges every 528' along a path/road".
(But that's the subject of a different thread)
Try not to let your mind wander...........
It's too small and fragile to be out by itself