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Thread: Return of the quality cache

  1. #1
    RuberyBlue Guest

    Default Return of the quality cache

    I'm looking for a bit of commitment, starting with your caching tomorrow, a pledge to start treating caches with the care and attention they require!

    I have read a number of posts both here and on about the quality/ volume of cache contents dropping. I have also noticed this in the last 18 months and have decided to start making that extra effort to return both mine and the caches I visit to a more pleasurable experience.

    I have a collection of goodies which I am planning to place in my caches in the coming week and am pledging to carry swops for my future finds (I normally have nothing with me!

    Anyone else out there willing to join the mission 'Return of the quality cache'?

    Keep right on!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    A worthy aim and I wish you well. Something similar was tried a while back with Back to Basics caches but I don't think very much came of it. A shame really.

  3. #3
    FourQ Guest


    Absolutely. Just as soon as I can shift this bug InMySights and I are going out dropping off all sorts of things that would put a smile on a two year olds face.

    We're planning on an all day travel ticket for Newcastle's metro and tick off as many as we can.

    If you know of any good online goodies shops please share the address so we can all get some quality goodies to share.


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