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Thread: Website Outage

  1. #1
    StuartP Guest

    Default Website Outage

    I'd like to apologise for the recent outage of the GAGB websites, this was caused by a server issue that has now been resolved.

  2. #2
    StuartP Guest


    Apologies to those who've had problems with accessing the GAGB website over the past 24 hours (Friday 25th Sept.).

    Outages were caused by router problems at the company that hosts the server where the gagb resides.

    We're looking at putting something in place, such that in the future we can keep you informed of the situation. Rest assured this will be completely independent of the current hosting provision.
    Last edited by StuartP; 25th September 2009 at 07:40 PM. Reason: Corrected date to today

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales


    I noticed that I couldn't get to GAGB (or Chatroom) for about an hour this afternoon...

    But I survived.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2005
    South of England


    Quote Originally Posted by StuartP View Post
    Apologies to those who've had problems with accessing the GAGB website over the past 24 hours (Friday 26th Oct).

    Outages were caused by router problems at the company that hosts the server where the gagb resides.

    We're looking at putting something in place, such that in the future we can keep you informed of the situation. Rest assured this will be completely independent of the current hosting provision.
    Thanks Stuart for the info,think you meant 25th Sept if not
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