Actually, no! I want one though! Children tend to be a bit of a drain on the resources so I can't justify one.
Its a Fuji S5500, so about 4 revisions obsolete now. It wasn't anywhere near their top of the range camera at the time either. It has a decent zoom (10x I think), but much beyond about 5x there's terrible darkening in the corners and at the extreme end, everything just comes out washed out. I leave it on program auto exposure rather than full auto, so I can change the aperture and film speed myself.
The most useful function is automatic bracketing, so it takes one slightly underexposed, one at what it judges to be best exposure and one slightly over exposed. I've found for landscapes that the under-exposed pictures tend to be the better ones.
Personally, I want someone to develop a digital 'film' that can be used in an old 35mm body - batteries in one side, memory & electronics in the other side. I've got an old 35mm SLR that I've not used for a long time. It was a really cheap one, but the picture quality, even with cheap films, knock socks of anything I've seen digitally. Resolution isn't everything. To my eyes, digital lacks the colour breadth of film. But I can't afford to keep getting film processed.
But those pictures, it was the natural vividness of the colours that make them. Truly, those are completely untouched from the camera. It really did look like someone had been out with the yellow spray paint!