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Thread: Keeping Travel Bugs in circulation

  1. #1
    BugznElm'r Guest


    Hi all!
    We were just wondering what tips and tricks others use to help keep their travel bugs in circulation. We do the normal things like make sure it is well marked and has a goal and sometimes drop finders a note thanking them for picking it up/dropping it off.
    However, we were wondering if there is more than can be done?
    Does anyone else thing that, with Europe being a short jump away, that the note cards might be better in French/German too?
    Does anyone else think that there is a correlation between a bug being placed in an old cache more likely to get lost (because all the experienced cachers have already visited it)?
    Or, is loss, to quote Agent Smith "inevitable".

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    I'm afraid it is inevitable.

    Whilst your strategies can certainly prolong the inevitable, sooner or later it will fall foul of a cacher who either isn't careful or simply looses interest in caching. Whilst mailing said cacher may help in the former case, and sometimes bugs can reappear after a ridiculously long (and random) disappearance, eventually they all get unlucky.

    We have released 8 bugs and they have lasted (so far):
    18 months and counting
    10 months and lost in Europe in the care of an experienced cacher
    4 months and lost in the US (inexperienced cacher)
    6 months and counting
    12 months and lost in the US along with the whole cache
    11 months and lost in Saudi Arabia (inexperienced cacher?)
    2 months and counting
    9 months and counting

    Only one of these went missing in Europe whilst in the care of a cacher who posted it and seemed to understand what a travel bug is, so alternative languages would not have helped here.

    One strategy we have adopted is using the copy tag to "restart" a tag after the original was lost. This does at least double it's average life....

    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
    GAGB Friend

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Amesbury Wiltshire


    Hi we have had two of our travel bugs go missing from the outset.
    Greased Lightning went from Monumental Journey and Scooby-Doo from They Came they saw they conkered.
    Maybe some day they will reappear.

    Colin & Daphne aka The Wobbly Club

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