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  • Yes

    32 94.12%
  • No

    2 5.88%
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Thread: GAGB Guidelines

  1. #1
    paul.blitz Guest


    **If you wish to vote, then DO NOT look at the results BEFORE you vote!! **

    (if you view the results first, then you will NOT be able to vote!!! You have been warned!)


    The proposed GAGB guidelines are available HERE.

    Please note that the author's notes do not form part of the proposed guidelines, and will be removed from the "formal" document. They were written purely to help explain the reason / background for the individual guidelines. (ie You are NOT voting on the author's notes, and they will be deleted at the end of the poll)

    The vote will close at approx 9pm on Friday 23rd Jan 2004 (next Friday). If there are more "yes" votes than "no" votes, then we will make these the official GAGB guidelines.

    Anyone who joined GAGB before last Friday (8th Jan) should be able to vote: if you have problems, please contact me and I'll try and sort out the problem.

    Paul Blitz
    GAGB Committee

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    There are a couple that I'm not 100% happy with, but generally they are a good set of guidelines.

    You have my vote. (Just the one )
    Muggle - One Voice - One Vote

  3. #3
    Motley Crew Guest


    All excellent and eminently reasonable, except for 13, sadly, which is unrealistic in the 'real world' and, as such, impossible to achieve in a lot of cases. Yes it's a good one to strive for but ... it ain't gonna happen in reality.

    A more realistic guideline would be ...

    When leaving the cache site, after hiding or placing a cache, there should be minimal sign of disturbance.

  4. #4
    BugznElm'r Guest


    Originally posted by Motley Crew@Jan 23 2004, 01:13 AM
    All excellent and eminently reasonable, except for 13, sadly, which is unrealistic in the 'real world' and, as such, impossible to achieve in a lot of cases. Yes it's a good one to strive for but ... it ain't gonna happen in reality.

    A more realistic guideline would be ...

    When leaving the cache site, after hiding or placing a cache, there should be minimal sign of disturbance.
    It is a minor point but I didn't like that one either. It's unrealistic to say that geocaching is zero impact and I suspect that a time will come when a landowner might throw that back at us as a reason to have caches removed because it is too restrictive.

    But it was debated and the decision was made to retain the wording. Now only time will tell ...

  5. #5
    paul.blitz Guest


    32 votes for
    2 votes against

    By a narrow margin of 30 votes, the guidelines are accepted.

    Many thanks to eveyone who (a) voted; (b) commented last week.


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