So lets find out once and for all - what's everyone's favourite sized cache?
Don't Care
So lets find out once and for all - what's everyone's favourite sized cache?
shouldn't you start one up asking the exact opposite question as well?![]()
Dont care :cheers:
Don't care, a cache is a cache is a cache.
It doesn't really matter for the Family_Moose.
We find the enjoyment is in the walk to a nice location, where our Noodle_Moose can run around with the GPS (only 3 years old, and following the arrow!)
He who hesitates is not only lost, but miles from the next exit.
How Many Roads Must A Man Walk Down Before He Admits Hes lost?
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. - TS ELLIOT
Always thought Eddie Large was the funnier of the two!
Statistically, despite disliking micro's, my results are:
I have a Geocaching problem...
Work gets in the way!
* Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas
Have a look through the 'finds' of most of the Micro haters and you will probably find that as much as they publicly stae their hatred they still find and log them.
If you voted in this poll, you may be interested in finding out how the poll results compare to the actual spread for the whole of the uk. :socool: As a bit of a stats nutter I love stuff like this.
It's not a commercial site in any way, and runs using official groundspeak PQ's for the entire UK. Tim, our admin and webmaster, signed the data agreement with Bryan Roth a couple of days ago.
Thanks for the link - all very interesting! And thanks for bumping this - I was ill when this poll was running and I hadn't seen it.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Happy New year folks.
I appreciate the fact that it's New Years day, but I am appalled at the lack of interest in your member forums.
You have 3 or 4 new posts today, 3 of which are on "quiz based self perpetuating" links.
The other post was my link out of the "little or large" poll topic, that Bill was kind enough to respond to.
I entered the site "geochat" that appeared to be populated by almost a dozen members, most of whom did not appear to be shown to be logged onto the forums.
A bit smoke and mirrors methinks.
MrsB did chat to me for a while like we have done over a significant period of weeks on our own forum, although we can't help but feel a little used and abused to be honest.
A few months ago we had one of your members enquiring on the emcache forums as to what you might do to improve your status.........well guess need to ask again.
If you want to be the main "goto" caching site in the UK then please get a grip, or someone else will. If you want to just manage agreements, and hold discussions behind closed doors, then be prepared to wither away.