Originally Posted by
Happy Humphrey
So it still makes sense, you'd have to make it clear that microcaches don't contain swaps.
Also, I'd avoid the use of the term "ammo box" as that could lead to some additional worries, unless the exact usage was explained. It has overtones of paramilitary types crawling furtively about, and may cause concerns about people calling out the bomb squad.
Perhaps "thimble size" isn't exactly ideal either; many are smaller than that (nanos being quite common now), and I suspect that some people aren't familiar with the thimble!
I'd suggest something like;
Typical cache containers range from tiny ones the size of a fingernail, through tubes and cylinders with room just for a small pencil and log sheet, up to plastic or metal boxes with space for several "swap" items and a log book.
That all sounds good to me!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)