24th February 2010, 11:43 AM
Try this just once!
You know that Sunday morning feeling? You wake up thinking it’s a work day but gradually over the next few seconds realise it’s the weekend, the days all yours! You can spend as long as you want in your bed, have a leisurely breakfast, brunch or even just make it up for lunch. Depending on the weather you can then head out for a walk, a few caches, maybe lunch out, visit family, read the papers, watch some footie, chill!!!!!!!!
Unbelievably I have bettered that Sunday!
This may sound mad but, just once; plan a caching trip in the countryside, getting out the house by day break on a pleasant spring or summers day. I can guarantee that it will be the best start to a day you have had in a long while. The dawn chorus is in full flow, the sun slowly rising, and lighting up the previous evening's dew. The roads, they're deserted, not another soul about, heaven!
You start your walk – woodland, canal side, fields, fells, hillsides, river sides, mountains – they are all yours. Nature is taking advantage of this quiet time – cuckoo calls echo across the fields, swallows & swifts race about taking advantage of the days early insects, foxes casually stroll across your path, pheasants call from the hedgerows.
You will wander why you don't do this more often – even that familiar Tupperware box of goodies will feel like a real achievement, your caching target met you head home just as the joggers make their appearance. You get home with a warm, glowing feeling of what a wonderful world we live in and you still have the whole day ahead of you!!
Try it!
24th February 2010, 10:17 PM
I wake up thinking it is a weekend .... only to realise it is a week day/work day 
But do agree, that an early morning walk is great.
25th February 2010, 06:27 PM
Being one of those lucky people, never wake up wondering whether it is a work day or not. The idea of a good walk is, as always, brilliant.
30th April 2010, 08:22 AM
That weekend feeling
Ah, well, I suppose it depends...I write guidebooks for walkers for a living. So every time I labour from my pit and cajole myself into driving out to the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales, the islands of Scotland, even the moors of home-county Lancashire, I'm working. It's sad, but someone is paying me to be there, to go out for a walk. Tough job, but someone has to do it. As a result, I don't get weekends; I walk almost every day, so have no idea what day it is, or where the weekend is - unless the Grand Prix is on.
So to make this arduous task a little more palatable, I've taken to geocaching, and that's great because my wife recently had a hip replacement, I've had a quadruple heart bypass, and we both need the exercise. What could be nicer?:socool:
And because I'm a writer, No. 1 son said 'Why not write a book about geocaching'. So I did; so now even geocaching is work.
What a job, eh! No rest for the wicked.
4th May 2010, 09:20 PM
Hi CountryMatters,
I have nothing but bitter envy for your day to day life....:cheers:
5th May 2010, 06:34 AM
Working nights I get to see the dawn - which is just getting to the best time of year and working in a really beautifull hotel in the country by the river Windrush it is a real treat. Swans, kingfishers, ducks and other wildlife on the lawns and sunrise over the trees. The only problem is having to sleep through the rest of the day !! - So the walks tend to be in the early evenings
As "she who must be obeyed" says
tired and going to bed shortly
Si vis pacem para bellum

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