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Thread: accompaniment for Geocaching London

  1. #1
    Roxianna Guest

    Default accompaniment for Geocaching London


    I'm Sylvia from Germany. I will visit London between 8 th june and 16 th june. In the day I want to make sightseeing and in the evening I want to make geocaching. I will travel alone, because I want to learn speak and understand english voice. I don't want be every day lonely, sometimes I want to have somebody on my side. In the first days I think I will have much problems with english language without Computer and Internet.

    I'm searching for an accompaniment for geocaching sometimes in the evening. On the second day 9 th June maybe I will visit Greenwich. I will create a plan for me just what I want to visit all.

    Who wants to accompany me for 1 or 2 evenings for geocaching?




  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Hi Sylvia

    Try posting your message on the South East caching forums - a lot of London based cachers are active on there


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