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Thread: Permission denied - Norwich City Walls

  1. #1
    foreverlost77 Guest

    Default Permission denied - Norwich City Walls

    I had planned on doing a series of heritage caches in Norwich, with some based near parts of the old city walls (strictly not within or too close). Just to let you know that sadly permission has been denied, I didn't realise they were classed as Scheduled Ancient Monuments until the response was given though. Here's a quick copy and paste from the letter:

    "I have now consulted with our buildings conservation people, and I need
    to advise that they would not be prepared to authorise a geocache in the
    vicinity of the city walls.

    Although it is appreciated that you intend to avoid locating the
    geocache within the walls themselves, there may be a risk that people
    looking for the cache might, however inadvertently, disturb the fabric
    of the walls, which are a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

    I regret that we are unable to grant your request on this occasion."

    It's such a shame, as Norwich has a fair few 'Boom Blocks/towers' in place and old flint city border walls, and we discovered a really beautiful set of towers and occompanying wall not far from ours. It's a real shame we can't share them with others through geocaching...times like this when I wish virtual caches were still allowed
    Last edited by foreverlost77; 8th June 2010 at 03:57 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    Thanks for letting me know, I've added this to the database. Can you let me have landowner contact details by mail/PM for the records please?

    Caching since 2001
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  3. #3
    bearhugger Guest

    Default City Walls

    I was in York last week doing some caching and they have city walls dating back to roman times yet there is a "York City Walls Trail" series of caches along there. I would guess that these walls would come under the Ancient Monument schedule.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    How about making it a series of Multis? they would only need 2 stages

    1. go to the wall/tower & find a number.
    2. go to N ab cd.efg , W hi jk.lmn, which is in a park or similar a hundred yards away.

    one positive (IMHO) affect of this is you could get the numbers from the historical info boards (I assume there are some) thereby forcing the cachers to learn about the history.

  5. #5

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    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    Quote Originally Posted by bearhugger View Post
    I was in York last week doing some caching and they have city walls dating back to roman times yet there is a "York City Walls Trail" series of caches along there. I would guess that these walls would come under the Ancient Monument schedule.
    Read -somewhere, can't remember where- that York City Council were involved with these caches. They even got an article in the local York paper... (Cache setter is a 'Walls 'volunteer and cacher)
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear and Ragged View Post
    Read -somewhere, can't remember where- that York City Council were involved with these caches. They even got an article in the local York paper... (Cache setter is a 'Walls 'volunteer and cacher)
    That is correct, York City Council gave permission for the caches (the walls are a Scheduled Monument). And the release of them (Publication) was timed to be as close as possible to the Press release being made

    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  7. #7

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    Church Warsop, Notts


    Assuming that the officials can't be persuaded to follow York's lead...

    Reading the reply from the official body (presumably), it appears that your proposed cache locations were within a few feet of the walls. Otherwise you wouldn't have been asking them, and they wouldn't have been worried about people checking the walls for hiding places.

    Wouldn't it still be feasible to set up the series, but site every cache at least (say) fifty metres from any Ancient Monument? You'd still have to get permission from assorted landowners, so it could still take months of negotiation; but at least you wouldn't have the complication of conservation requirements to contend with.

  8. #8
    foreverlost77 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by martybartfast View Post
    How about making it a series of Multis? they would only need 2 stages

    1. go to the wall/tower & find a number.
    2. go to N ab cd.efg , W hi jk.lmn, which is in a park or similar a hundred yards away.

    one positive (IMHO) affect of this is you could get the numbers from the historical info boards (I assume there are some) thereby forcing the cachers to learn about the history.

    You hit the nail on the head.....this is now what I'm hoping to achieve, although it may be a very spread out one. Because of the location of the structure I'd like to use, there isn't much else around it that hasn't already been covered. The info boards are only ones that tell you what centuries the walls were likely to have been built, no other info.

  9. #9
    foreverlost77 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Happy Humphrey View Post
    Assuming that the officials can't be persuaded to follow York's lead...

    Reading the reply from the official body (presumably), it appears that your proposed cache locations were within a few feet of the walls. Otherwise you wouldn't have been asking them, and they wouldn't have been worried about people checking the walls for hiding places.

    Wouldn't it still be feasible to set up the series, but site every cache at least (say) fifty metres from any Ancient Monument? You'd still have to get permission from assorted landowners, so it could still take months of negotiation; but at least you wouldn't have the complication of conservation requirements to contend with.
    True...although regardless of where I place caches I always gain permission, regardless of it being near an Ancient Monument, or in a woods, etc. That's just a habit I'm into, so it's not something I asked for just because of where I was hoping to never know til you've asked. On this occasion I don't think they would be swayed regardless of where it was on site, or close by, as it's the same person I've been in contact with about other caches I've successfully placed.

    I'm happy to do a multi though with stages to gain co-ords to the final elsewhere

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by foreverlost77 View Post
    On this occasion I don't think they would be swayed regardless of where it was on site, or close by, as it's the same person I've been in contact with about other caches I've successfully placed.
    Yes, but if it was far enough away to be outside their area of authority they wouldn't have a say; up to someone else to give permission.
    Quote Originally Posted by foreverlost77 View Post
    I'm happy to do a multi though with stages to gain co-ords to the final elsewhere
    Virtual stages of a multicache - sounds like the best idea anyway, although obviously you'll still have to get permission for the container at the end.
    If any of the sites are of particular interest, you could also set up a waymark or two for them. I'd consider a waymark that takes you on a tour of the city walls. There are hybrid waymarking / geocaches as well, if you want to be really creative (I have one on the IOM). You follow the waymark trail and answer questions as you go along. Then the answers give you the location of a mystery cache. Similar to a multi, but you get two ticks instead of one.

  11. #11

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    Or a Wherigo.
    Or a Wherigo as well -Three ticks!
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear and Ragged View Post
    Or a Wherigo.
    Or a Wherigo as well -Three ticks!
    Great suggestion. A Wherigo would suit a city-walls tour perfectly.

  13. #13
    foreverlost77 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Happy Humphrey View Post
    Yes, but if it was far enough away to be outside their area of authority they wouldn't have a say; up to someone else to give permission.

    Virtual stages of a multicache - sounds like the best idea anyway, although obviously you'll still have to get permission for the container at the end.
    If any of the sites are of particular interest, you could also set up a waymark or two for them. I'd consider a waymark that takes you on a tour of the city walls. There are hybrid waymarking / geocaches as well, if you want to be really creative (I have one on the IOM). You follow the waymark trail and answer questions as you go along. Then the answers give you the location of a mystery cache. Similar to a multi, but you get two ticks instead of one.
    :socool: I love the the hybrid waymarking, and the whereigo idea...I've got the end point sorted already with no objections, just got to do the trail now. Will consider what you've said, sounds like fun...but I've not managed to do a mystery cache yet myself so that makes me a bit wary of setting one up. Thank you for the suggestions!

  14. #14

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by foreverlost77 View Post
    Thank you for the suggestions!
    Pardon our enthusiasm - you can see why some people end up setting over 100 caches...take your time and make this a really good one. Then post a link to it when it's all ready.

  15. #15
    foreverlost77 Guest

    Default done

    This one is up and running but has had a few hiccups (my fault) which are now sorted.

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