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Thread: Kirkwall Active Station

  1. #1
    Sagina nivalis Guest

    Default Kirkwall Active Station

    Would this be it? Let me know if I have it wrong - I only know about concrete pillars

  2. #2
    Sagina nivalis Guest


    Also (Bernie?), can you post anything on the source of this trig, also the nearby Towerhill, so that I can add some info to my logs?

  3. #3
    ted Guest


    Rob - yes, the OS active station is the mushroom-shaped dome towards the left of your picture.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Yes, that's it on the left as Ted says. New Active Stations tend to be on shortish tripods anchored to the ground, rather than on buildings. Kirkwall came onstream in July 2007.

    This site has a map of current Active Stations. At one time it also housed a downloadable spreadsheet of current and dead stations with coordinates and an indication of replacements etc. But it seems to have been removed. My copy is from 2008, so is now dated - I'll email a copy if you like, but I suspect there's nothing of any interest to you on it.

    Towerhill is a phantom pillar, which used to appear on the 1:25k - no doubt an old black-to-cyan error. The rivet itself is the only trigmark listed in square HY4609, but I'm afraid I know no more than that.

    I only know about concrete pillars Welcome to the 4th dimension...h34r:

  5. #5
    Sagina nivalis Guest


    Thanks chaps - logs updated. And all the Orkney logs finally on TUK.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I've been swapping some data with Brisey today - it turns out there were a good few more Active Stations than I'd previously thought. Current GSAK total is 144, but Brisey's list has 205. Some are just 'exact spot' replacements with a new 4-letter ID code, but still it should mean a good new crop of aerials to stare at. :wacko:

  7. #7
    Sagina nivalis Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by agentmancuso View Post
    still it should mean a good new crop of aerials to stare at. :wacko:
    Be still my beating heart

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Sagina nivalis View Post
    Be still my beating heart
    Hey hey. Only 14 brand new Active Stations in the end, but a great many updates to station codes and some minor co-ord improvements. :cheers:

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