It's a good question, though. Clearly, in this case the cache was outside the railway station boundary (so didn't fall into the "Network Rail owned Properties" rule). And yet it appears that the reviewer was able to ascertain that it was on railway land, even though the local cacher didn't have access to that information. It would have been better to have supplied the OP with the means to make the same check so that the boundaries become public knowledge.
Sorry to be rude, but try actually reading my post which is the one before yours! Specifically
The UK Reviewers have been unable to obtain actual details of Network Rail properties, they unlike certain other major Landowners. Will not even give us the data on a restricted usage licence.
So each case is a judgement call. If in doubt the rest of the UK Reviewer Team is consulted about the location. And the person reviewing goes with the majority consensus. I've believed one thing and my colleagues have believed something else, and in such cases I've happily gone with their opinion.
And also
In each case it is a judgement call, but we have to take into account that Network Rail own more property than the Land inside the Security Fencing on which the rails run, and the Stations themselves. . The Train Operating Companies, Lease/rent the Stations off Network Rail.
Network Rail are one of the Largest Landowners in the UK
FYI Network Rail own Office Blocks, Shopping Centres & Industrial Estates. Amongst their Land Portfolio. We tend to concentrate on Railway Stations and Land around them. Where it is not clear who actually owns the Land. So a Judgement call is made.
And further proof of the extent of Network Rail Land Portfolio, and since you are unable to access the caches in question. So are unable to comment on the actual cache locations
It's a good question, though. Clearly, in this case the cache was outside the railway station boundary (so didn't fall into the "Network Rail owned Properties" rule).
I also posted about a cache Permission issue, off Network Rail Station Property.
As a Example, I requested a cache owner supplied proof of permission for a cache as it was located on land designated as a SSSI. The container being located next to a Coastal Path which has just been upgraded by the Local County Councils Countryside Department. The path runs on the seaward side of the Rails, but is completely outside the Fenced off rail area. There being a pedestrian tunnel under the track. The County Council informed the cacher that the Land was owned by Network Rail down to the Low Water Line.
On a request being made to Network Rail, they refused, even though the Land is open to the public. And there is no safety issues.
The CO is free to contact Network Rail and have them confirm/deny it is their Property. As has been shown they will reply to such queries.
The UK Reviewers would be very happy if anyone can obtain details of Network Rail Property off them, specifically boundaries of Rail Stations. Even if this was on a restrictive usage licence. It would then stop arguments about judgement calls.
FYI, I have reversed decisions about refusing caches near to Network Rail Properties. After engaging in discussions with the cache owner. So no judgement call, is set in stone. Where there is sufficient doubt, the decision will fall on the side of the Cache Owner. But there has to be sufficient doubt.
Deceangi Volunteer UK Reviewer
[The Mancunian Account was created in the early History of the GAGB. When I became a Reviewer, the then Committee decided that there was no need to create a separate Reviewer Account. All posts made as a Reviewer are always signed Deci. (sub note, Mancunian was my original GC Account name, I later changed it after joining the GAGB to Mancunian Pyrocacher)]
The above is for those not aware of this, Happy Humphrey, being well aware of who I am. if not why the Mancunian account is used.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC