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Thread: Oregon 300

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Dalston, near Carlisle

    Default Oregon 300

    A question for all you techy cachers.......

    a caching team I know has just got an Oregon 300. Now, as I only have an old eTrex Legend, I don't really know what the 300 can do. He has a caching app on his iPhone that will show nearest caches, and descriptions etc.......I assume that's from, just like looking on't t'interweb? Now, the big question is, can the 300 do that? i don't think it will, but hey, what do I know?

    They are not premium members, either (neither am I)

    Any help, muchly appreciated!


  2. #2
    keehotee Guest


    The Oregon series will enable you to use paperless caching, as well as being a mapping GPS.
    However, without the benefits of being able to download PQs as a premium member, the Oregon is pretty much just a mapping GPS... seems odd to invest that much money in a GPS for caching without paying for a PM too, unless it ws bought for a different purpose?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Dalston, near Carlisle


    No, only for geocaching! He likes his gizmo's, and saw the oregon for sale, so it was a must have!

    Don't think he will be going premium, so as you say, just a mapping GPSr!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    To be honest if he has purchased an Oregon and spent the money on that he might as well spend a little bit more and get the most out of the unit with the PQs

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