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Thread: advice needed

  1. #1
    rew Guest


    hi,not yet a geocacher but looking to get into it . this site was suggested to me by a friend. i'm looking from some advice as to which device to get. is the garmin etrex suitable for a first timer. anywhere to buy secondhand maybe?all advice greatly received. i'm in surrey is this a good area?

  2. #2
    NeilFord Guest


    Hiya Rew

    To tackle these questions in a reverse order...

    Visit, click on the Caches link and enter your postcode into the search. This will give you an idea of how many caches are in your area.

    Also visit and and check out their forums for equipment advice and discussion on the UK caching scene.

    If you are looking for your first GPSr, I would recommend looking at the Garmin eTrex Legend, which has a sensible feature set which you can grow into. The problem with the lower-end models is you may soon outgrow them. The Legend would cost you roughly £175 from somewhere like

    Can't really comment on second hand units, though I suspect ebay would be a good place to start.

    Hopefully this is of some use. Feel free to come back with any further questions, either here or on one of the other sites.

    - Neil.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by rew@Apr 4 2004, 09:13 PM
    hi,not yet a geocacher but looking to get into it . this site was suggested to me by a friend. i'm looking from some advice as to which device to get. is the garmin etrex suitable for a first timer. anywhere to buy secondhand maybe?all advice greatly received. i'm in surrey is this a good area?
    You can get brand new basic Etrex's for £80 if you know where to look. A very good unit for starters. That's what lots of us here started with.
    Muggle - One Voice - One Vote

  4. #4
    BugznElm'r Guest


    Try ... they had a good price on the yellow eTrex.

  5. #5
    rew Guest


    thanks for your help. thru a link on the geocaheuk site i got to navcity. they seem to have selection and some second had refurbed ones. popping to see them, surfing the net is great but a pic doesnt replace physically holding them..i'll let you know how i get on.

  6. #6
    NeilFord Guest


    So pop into your local Outdoors shop and ask to have a look. Just don't buy from them :-) As an example, they have the Legend at £275 as opposed to £175 online!

    Or find a local friendly cacher you'd be happy to meet up and show you their gear. Suggest a public location (pub, coffee shop, etc) so they'll feel safe just in case you're a homicidal maniac :-)

    - Neil.

  7. #7
    rew Guest


    ok been there done that got the etrex just need the t shirt!! went to london picked some brains.decided on the legend , but they were out of stock,found another shop and bought one for 195. bit more than online but i got it in my hands.and i'm just off to find my first so long as i dont run out of daylight.

  8. #8
    NeilFord Guest


    Congrats on your purchase and welcome to the wonderful hobby of geocaching.

    Hopefully we'll see you on some of the other discussion boards at some point.

    - Neil.

  9. #9
    rew Guest


    hi again run out of daylight lol.yes u may see me on the other forum when i can get signed in !! so far its not lettingme. i see you are from billingshurst. weybridge here, looks like i just missed out on that meeting on april 1st.

  10. #10
    NeilFord Guest


    Which one is giving you grief? You should get the confirmation email within minutes of completing the registration process.

    I would have said it might be that your chosen username may have already gone, but the registration process should tell you that.

    Keep at it, they'll let you in eventually.

    - Neil.

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bedfordshire, UK


    Originally posted by rew@Apr 5 2004, 05:48 PM
    ............ but i got it in my hands.............
    Have fun ..............
    Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.

  12. #12
    paul.blitz Guest


    Originally posted by rew@Apr 5 2004, 08:48 PM
    hi again run out of daylight lol.
    Running out of daylight shouldn't be seen as an excuse to not go caching :lol:

    Seriously, once you are used to what caching is about, you might like to try caching in the dark... it's a VERY different experience.

    All I say is to be careful. Take a spare torch. Take a mobile phone. And a compass is worthwhile too. Oh, and don't forget the GPSr!!!!


  13. #13
    rew Guest


    well just thought as it was my first time more sensible to do it in daylight. anyway today i've been out and found 3.

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