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Thread: Adding TalkyToster Maps to MapSource

  1. #1
    Trecker404 Guest

    Default Adding TalkyToster Maps to MapSource

    Hi Folks

    All very new to this, just got a GPSMAP60CSx and an trying to add the TalkyToster maps to MapSource, rather confused

    Win7 (64)
    Latest v MapSource

    Got the map (PC) file from the TalkyToster site, installed MapTK but am now at a loss, how do I get the TalkyToster map into MapSource??

    All opinion/comment/suggestion most welcome.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Carterton Oxon


    Best advice - do what I did and e mail Clive. Most helpfull chap - got reply same day - because I am hopeless at computering I got the set on a "chip" from him and just put it in to the GPS and "it works!!!!" Cost a few quid - but damn sight cheaper than the opposition (Garmin. O/S etc)
    Si vis pacem para bellum

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    If you are going to install the fullsize mapping, just download the zip file and then extract the map file. It will end with a .img and you need to change the name to GMAPSUPP.img and install it on the Micro SD card in a folder called Garmin.
    You would end up with the following SD Card\Garmin\GMAPSUPP.img.
    That easy.

    If you need any extra help email me.

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