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Thread: Merton Council

  1. #1
    misty_minou Guest

    Default Merton Council

    Has anyone had any experience dealing with Merton Borough Council? I've been trying to get hold of them to try and gain permission to place a cache in one of there lesser used nature reserves.

    They haven't responded or even acknowledged my request, the problem is I don't have a specific person to contact just a generalised email address.

    Any help would be gratefully received before I attempt to escalate my request further by contacting one of the councillors.

    Thanks Mark

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    Having had a quick look at their site it might be worth emailing to this address
    or giving this number a ring 020 8545 3678 as this department seems to deal with all aspects of leisure inc parks etc.

  3. #3
    misty_minou Guest


    the email address is the one I've already used to try and contact them.

    Didn't notice the number in the past, so will try giving that one a call in a couple of days.

    Thanks for you help.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    There is also this email address that is supposed to cover Environment and Regeneration so I suppose that a nature reserve may come under Environment,
    If at the end of the day you get no response at all after 2 or 3 attempts then you could always try completing THIS and seeing what happens.

  5. #5
    misty_minou Guest


    Oh that form is very tempting in more ways than one.

    Will try contacting the environment department and seeing if I get a response that way. If no joy I will see if the complaints department will do something.

    Cheers Mark

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by misty_minou View Post
    Has anyone had any experience dealing with Merton Borough Council? I've been trying to get hold of them to try and gain permission to place a cache in one of there lesser used nature reserves.

    They haven't responded or even acknowledged my request, the problem is I don't have a specific person to contact just a generalised email address.

    Any help would be gratefully received before I attempt to escalate my request further by contacting one of the councillors.

    Thanks Mark
    We tried a couple of years ago, having almost got permission from the people who do voluntary work at Beverly Meads, where we wanted to place the cache, (think it was the London Wildlife Trust?). They were very keen but refered us to LBM who refused point blank, despite several letters of explanation, pleading etc. Can't remember the name of the officious official. So good luck!

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