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Thread: Garmin Oregon - Top Tips

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Lightbulb Garmin Oregon - Top Tips

    There are so many menus and different ways of configuring the Oregon, that I thought it would useful to have a resources area.

    The wikispaces site is worth having a read ... but why not post your 'top tips' for new (and existing) users here ....
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default Customised Startup Message

    This feature is useful for adding contact information in case you misplace it and I think it is the first thing you should do when you get your Oregon and especially before you go caching with it for the first time ....

    Edit the startup.txt file (found within the Garmin folder once it is plugged into your computer) in a text editor like notepad and the message will display while your unit is powering on. (Max of 5 lines with up to 30 characters per line)

    Set the display number to the minimum number of seconds your message is displayed (i.e. <display=10> will display the message for 10 seconds).
    Last edited by Maple Leaf; 25th November 2010 at 11:14 PM.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    Set your Oregon/Dakota to Garmin Spanner, that way you will be asked whether you want your unit to go to Mass Storage or not. If you have Memory Map loaded and select not to go to Mass Storage your GPS can then be used to mark your actual position on Memory Map.

    Setup>System>Interface and select Garmin Spanner

  4. #4
    burtsbodgers Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DrDick&Vick View Post
    Set your Oregon/Dakota to Garmin Spanner, that way you will be asked whether you want your unit to go to Mass Storage or not. If you have Memory Map loaded and select not to go to Mass Storage your GPS can then be used to mark your actual position on Memory Map.

    Setup>System>Interface and select Garmin Spanner
    This is also useful if you want to use your GPS in your car, as you can purchase a cheap motorolla charger to power the unit. I have used mine as a sat nav for a couple of years now, saves buying another.

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