Just tried to view the awful new GS forums and it won't let me log in. If you click on "I've forgotten my password" it simply takes you to a page where you can change the password.
Just tried to view the awful new GS forums and it won't let me log in. If you click on "I've forgotten my password" it simply takes you to a page where you can change the password.
I had no problem logging in, but I can't say I like the new look very much. Well, I suppose I'll get used to it...!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
I have no problem logging in to my Groundspeak account but I am unable to log into the forums, I am starting to wonder if it is the &
My GC forum login works, Richard it must be your "&".
I think the new layout is clearer and the size works better on my PC. However, it's very different so I agree it will take some getting used to it.
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
nice of them to let us know that these things will not work, it will be really great if I have to go to the bother of changing all of my stuff wit the DrDIck&Vick name printed on it.
1000 calender cards for 2011, my NEW flag, my rubber stamps.
Must be the & as my son can log in okay under his name
Last edited by DrDick&Vick; 21st December 2010 at 11:39 AM.
I had no problems logging in but find the colours and icons used have reduced clarity. It may be a case of just getting used to the new look and understanding what certain icons do and it is nice to have a 'branded' forum, so that element's a step forward for me. I know the quote feature is having some hiccups though...
Glad I decided to go for the 'and' rather than '&' in my name!
Could be your password, if you have non letter/number characters in...
(Has been a problem previously)
I have a Geocaching problem...
Work gets in the way!
* Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway! CacheWalker.co.uk
Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas
Haven't had any problems with the new style so far and it seems faster too.
As I posted elsewhere,
"I have a feeling this could be an example of "facebook syndrome" - Everytime anything gets changed on fb there's some wailing and weeping and The End Of (facebook) Life As We Know It. A couple of weeks later everyone's used to it, glitches have been sorted and nobody remembers what it used to look like anyway. Then all is OK... until the next change around..."
I'm sure it will be great - if only we could log in and experience it! We don't subscribe to "Facebook syndrome" (or Facebook for that matter ) but it is a bit frustrating when we could log in yesterday, but today we can't. Hopefully it'll get sorted without a name change!
Quit, don't quit? Noodles, don't noodles?
I think you may have the same problem as us, the & symbol.
It works - its all various shades of grey to us colour blind peeps = can only hope it works properly when the gliches are sorted - It's another site that I only quickly scan through before returning here - to much information - too many sites= disappearing under the avalanche of computer generated stuff ! Takes me half an hour just to quickly scan through even before reading
Si vis pacem para bellum
The ampersand (&) could well be the cause of the login problems. We had issues with it when we switched to the new (current) forum software - I seem to remember making manual changes to enable users with ampersands in their user names to keep those names. Hopefully GC will do the same if necessary.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
If the problem is ampersand-related (sounds almost medical!) it would be good to post a topic about it, either in the UserVoice Feedback forum here
Feedback Forum
or (maybe) in keehotee's topic in the main Groundspeak Forum Geocaching Topics section
Forum Makeover
In theory, the first option is where the lackeys monitor comments but hopefully someone will also be looking at the other topic too. I hope all the "&" cachers get sorted out soon. If you want me to post on your behalf over in the Geocaching Topics forum just let me know!
Last edited by Mrs Blorenge; 21st December 2010 at 03:10 PM. Reason: for clarification
Quit, don't quit? Noodles, don't noodles?
I got logged in ok. I don't mind the aesthetics either way, but it's irritating that so fewer threads are visible at first glance, and the Greasemonkey favourites thing has gone.
I've made you all into "a cause".
Posted on the groundspeak topic about the ampersand problem...
"I post on behalf of 3 UK caching Ampersanders who have sadly found themselves disenfranchised from these forums since the update:
BigLad & Co
All are unable to log in under their account names.
If you know others who suffer from this affliction please copy and paste this post on their behalf to make Groundspeak aware of their plight. Only one in a hundred of forum posters will post here. Will you?
(With apologies to facebook)"
Some other "Ampersanders" have now posted in that thread to say that although they were unable to log into the GC forum this morning they can now do so...
It might be worth having another go?
Yup all working for me now.