Forestry Commission - Peak District
Thanks to the initial efforts of a 14 year old geocacher I have now got agreement from the local FC for caches in the Peak District
Forestry Commission - Peak District
Thanks to the initial efforts of a 14 year old geocacher I have now got agreement from the local FC for caches in the Peak District
Nice to see youngsters going about things the right way - that's great!![]()
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Landowner Agreements.
I have negotiated with a local Landowner for permission to cache on their land.
Whilst perhaps not a Major Land Owner with 14000 acres total they have agreed in principal to permit geocaching on approx 1000 acres and I consider inclusion on the GAGB Database to be useful to prospective placers and seekers of specific Landowner requirements.
Having availed the Landowner of several typical agreements from the GAGB database (and causing a 6 month delay) I have been tasked with raising the local agreement which I expect to be a signed document.
I think I have produced a reasonable document but I would like to get forum members views on several points before I bring it into force.
Can I replicate the GAGB guidelines in the agreement? I currently have complete with the Copyright 2004 declaration.
How is the agreement conveyed and included onto the GAGB database, the formatted document is quite large to email, There might also be a plan associated which as yet I do not know the size?
Please make me![]()
by providing timely and correct advice.
Colin, thank you for all that! Yes, you can certainly use the GAGB guidelines as part of the agreement. And yes, we would include it in the GAGB database.
The agreement would be entered manually in the database - you could email it to me, or if you consider it too large to send then send me a paper copy (I've emailed you my postal address) and I'll copy type it. We can also include a map of the land involved if required.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Thanks to Malpas Wanderer, we now have an agreement with Englefield Estate Trust Corporation Limited, Theale, Reading, Berkshire to place caches on Theale Community Woodland. It can be found in the GAGB agreements database here.
A big thank you to Colin aka Malpas Wanderer!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Do you want info passed on where permissions have been given for individual cache placements, rather than "blanket" cover?
1.We have received permission to place caches in FC land along the west side of the Wye valley, near Tintern. This was granted by the local FC Manager for the woodland.
2. Similarly, at another FC location just NE of Newport, permission was given by the FC Recreation Admin Officer in Neath.
3. Our local Country Park warden gave permission for our cache near Caldicot castle. I suspect if we'd waited for Monmouthshire County Council to make a decision it would still be here underneath my desk.
4. Coppett Hill Common Trust (near Goodrich) gave permission for our cache and I understand that they have since given permission for a couple of other caches on their land.
Whilst these are hardly Major Land Owner agreements the details may be useful for new cachers looking for "contacts".
Mrs B, what we're really looking for here is blanket permissions where other cachers can either just go out and place a cache knowing they're covered, or can contact the relevant person named in the agreement to check before placing a cache. Any blanket permissions, whether "major" or not, are useful and will be added to the GAGB agreements database, subject to permission from whoever obtained the agreement, of course. The cacher who obtained permission will be credited in the agreement unless they'd prefer not to be.
The ones you've mentioned seem to be one-off permissions rather than blanket ones, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Mrs B, whilst Bill is right that this thread is for blanket agreements, your post is good information for others wishing to negotiate their own permission for individual caches in these places, so it would be useful to post this as a new thread in this permissions forum.
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
It's been a long time since I posted the above messageOriginally posted by milvus-milvus@Sep 30 2005, 11:07 AM
I've been in discussion with the Northants Forestry Commission for several months, to try to get permission to place caches in several of their woodlands in the South of the County.
I have today received draft permission - with an indication that written confirmation will follow. I will post more details here when this is received.
Baz.- but I did get written permission to place caches in various FC woodlands in South Northants. It was for a limited timeframe of one year; but the caches seem to have been well received, the FC are still supportive, and I've just been granted an extension to the end of 2007.
I can supply contact details for anyone else who might be looking to place caches in Northants.
That's good news, well done.
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
Received today ....
Dear Mr Leishman,
Thank you for your request.
I have discussed this matter with our Solicitor, and we are pleased to be able to grant your request for permission to place geocaches on land owned by Tamworth Borough Council.
Obviously open space is very much at a premium in an urban area such as Tamworth, and we would insist that your code of conduct is adhered to at all times, and reserve the right to withdraw permission at any time
Yours Sincerely
Andrew Barratt
Assistant Director (Asset Management)
Tamworth Borough Council
.... copy also sent to Staffs CC but no reply as yet
Full email forwarded to Dave.
That's really good - well done for getting that agreement!![]()
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Gary, That's excellent news, well done and thanks.
It's now listed on GLAD here.
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
Good news on Tamworth - thanks for that![]()
Re National Trust[ Box Hill etc]
Please view under additional topics
Just realised that the telford town park permision was ratified as permanent quite a while ago so the six month part can be removed from the agreements database.
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."
Done, and well done.Originally posted by markandlynn@Nov 27 2007, 05:25 PM
Just realised that the telford town park permision was ratified as permanent quite a while ago so the six month part can be removed from the agreements database.
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
That's great, Mark and Lynn, congratulations on getting it made permanent!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
I have just had permission from Sandwell council for the placement of a cache in one of their reserves, it is for a one years trial to see out how it works out, as it is the first of they are aware of on their land.
Hopefully all will go well with the trial, and you may then be able to get a blanket agreement with them!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Oops, I just realized I was supposed to post here, rather than start a new topic (which is what I did; see I'll repeat here what I said there, so feel free to delete my other topic.
Last week, I received permission to cache in the Llanymddyfri Forest District, which includes the Brecon Beacons and Pembrokeshire.
I pointed my contact, Mansel Jones, to the "FC NW Wales" agreement, and he is happy for that to be copied over under the name "Llanymddyfri Forest District".
Please could the person responsible for maintaining the GLAD database add our new agreement to the page? Then I'll send Mansel the link, and we'll be all set to go caching!
Thanks very much!
Simon (Ezitis)
P.S. There's a link to a PDF showing the forest district boundaries on this page:
I guess my MNH posting should also have been posted here...but good work from Brian (BiffyRich) has led to a sensible agreement with Manx National Heritage;
I’ve discussed your request with colleagues and on the basis that it is understood that the general principle of placing caches is that it does not involve any digging or ground disturbance in placing the cache, we do not have any difficulty with the placing of the cache in this location at Maughold Head. For our records, could you please provide a detailed GPS reference for the cache location. To avoid geocache participants straying into the lighthouse property which is in private ownership, you may wish to think about amended wording which directs people to the location of the car park before they reach the lighthouse entrance?
Thank you for providing the link to the Geocaching Association of Great Britain website regarding the National Trust approval for placing of geocaches on their sites, subject to certain safeguards.
From MNH’s point of view, for the purposes of dealing with any future requests for placement of geocaches and to avoid any potential conflict, it may help to understand MNH’s role and also to suggest some guidelines.
By way of general background, MNH sites and landholdings contain areas that may be particularly sensitive from either archaeological or habitat perspectives. MNH also has a wider duty in relation to the protection of ancient monuments and where formal guardianship exists, the maintenance of monuments that are not within MNH’s ownership. The Manx Museum and National Trust Act 1959 and Bye-laws prescribe MNH’s powers and duties and set down measures designed to regulate, preserve and protect Trust property.
In the case of habitats, some MNH sites have an additional level of statutory protection in the form of ASSI (Area of Special Scientific Interest) and NNR (National Nature Reserve) designations and in one instance, a European RAMSAR designation.
There may be sensitive locations where MNH does not wish to encourage a greater concentration of public access and use and each case will need to be considered on its merits.
MNH also has a duty to provide access to and enjoyment of buildings and places within its ownership or care and undertaken responsibly, geocaching may be acceptable on MNH sites, except within the curtilage of listed and/or guardianship monuments but subject to the following:
• Prior to any geocache being placed on MNH land an email request should be made to containing the draft geocache description of the site and detailed GPS reference for the cache location;
• MNH will normally endeavour to respond to the request by email within 10 working days;
• The placement of the cache must be non-destructive/non-invasive;
• The placement of the cache must present no increase in the risk of subsequent damage by erosion at or on the approaches to the location;
• The cache can be reached by established footways and access points;
• There is no risk of disturbance to protected bird, animal or plant life;
• MNH reserves the right to remove any cache without notice if it deems appropriate to do so;
• Any consent to locate the geocache on MNH land should be acknowledged in the geocache description."
As I've said in the other thread, with Brian's permission I've now posted the agreement in our database here.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)
Not exactly major news, but an indication of forward thinking.
Hollybank Woods, just north of Emsworth, Hampshire.
This mixed woodland, which covers around 150 acres, is owned by Havant Borough Council but long term management has been devolved to a local group of volunteers.
This group (The Friends of Hollybank Woods) includes a BBC Natural History unit cameraman. They aware that there are currently 8 established caches in the general area, and have absolutely no problem with that.
In fact, the group has asked me to encourage cachers into the area. I have set up a GC account in the group's name and at least one new cache will be set (by me) on their behalf.
They are very keen to encourage the public into the woodland, and see caching as an excellent way of achieving this. To this end, I have started the ball rolling by plagarising a little "write-up" for the group's website.
It ha been suggested, that a "public caching day" might be organised, with GPS units being loaned out for the public to try (under supervision?).
This idea is at a very early stage, and I would be interested to hear from anyone who has practical experience to pass on.
Several neighbouring woodland management groups have heard about this initiative and are discussing the possibility of doing something similar.
So, all in all, not a bad thing so far.
Try not to let your mind wander...........
It's too small and fragile to be out by itself
keep me informed rod and i'll see if i'm free to come along as the GAGB![]()
FC east anglia
The review is now complete and new guidelines issued.
Do I need to email details on to someone?
No more written applications needed, or any fee, just a few guidelines to follow, I am so pleased. Well worth the 18 month wait
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
OK I have sent it via as it was too long for the pm on here.
The agreement is a word doc i could email if its easier to read as that rather than via
That post was originally made back in 2006 so the chances are that the agreement may no longer be in place.
I have checked th GLAD andthere is no sign of it.
I think that this one covers it.
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend
Thanks Dave, I have sent an email. I am not sure whether this chap will be able to help, but may be able to point me in the right direction.
The cache is in an SSSI and although there are a couple of caches within the area, they have been there for some years and may not have had the same stipulations when they were placed. I will keep everyone involved.
Thanks again, Daryl
The Forestry Commission Land at, Delamere Forest and Primrose Woods near Kelsall, Cheshire bare working forests with a 5 year rotational maintenance programme, felling, thinning and planting trees.
Having had a meeting with Richard Topley, Forestry manager, based at Delamere Forest, recently, I have established that caches can be place within the above forests, as long as geocachers adhere to certain conditions.
If anybody is interested in placing caches within the above forests, then contact, They will email back the above details and no go areas map.
Last edited by mo and mike; 24th January 2013 at 08:05 PM.
Worth adding the the GLAD?
Now included on GLAD here.
Caching since 2001
Founder member of GAGB (2003)
Committee (2003-2013)
Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
GAGB Friend