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Thread: Hi and help

  1. #1
    Clovisthefatcat Guest

    Default Hi and help

    Hi from Ditchling (just north of Brighton) - family of wannabe geocachers.

    Now the help bit:
    Is there a section on the forum giving advice about which GPS to buy? If not, any suggestions? - I've been looking at Garmin 60csx/oregons/dakotas.

    Thanks to all

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!



    The 60 is a good unit, the GPS others are judged against, but is being replaced... Prices should get lower!

    Have a read here:
    especially under the GPS-Coords-Maps bit.
    (It's written by one of the UK Reviewers, and well worth reading!)

    Recommendations really rely on what you want from a GPS, and what you want to pay...

    Feel free to ask further questions!
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  3. #3
    Clovisthefatcat Guest

    Default Thankyou Bear and Ragged

    Thanks for the link, just what I needed - back to basics, even I could understand it. I can hear the penny dropping already!

    I'm closer to a decision, but will be back in touch - thanks for the offer.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Trewellard, West Cornwall


    You might also find these threads useful if you've not already seen them:

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    If you can get to the next Sussex meeting DETAILS HERE I will be there and will bring my 60Cx & Oregon along for you to look at and I can explain them to you.

  6. #6
    Clovisthefatcat Guest

    Default Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan1980 View Post
    You might also find these threads useful if you've not already seen them:
    Thanks, I hadn't spotted these but any/all info is slowly sinking in.

    Quick question: I'm still confused about what maps come with any particular unit. For example, if I purchased a Garmin 62 or Oregon 400, would they come with a map that I could use throughout the UK or would I have to purchase extra ones for particular areas?

    Sorry if the above sounds clueless, but quite frankly I am - caching kit all still a bit of a mystery.


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    They come with a basic base map pre installed, you can always load the Talky Toaster open source maps for free.
    You can buy the Discover maps (OS 1:50000) and use them or you can create small sections of custom maps at 1:25000 level.
    If you come to that meeting have a chat with me and I will show you the difference.

  8. #8
    Clovisthefatcat Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DrDick&Vick View Post
    They come with a basic base map pre installed, you can always load the Talky Toaster open source maps for free.
    You can buy the Discover maps (OS 1:50000) and use them or you can create small sections of custom maps at 1:25000 level.
    If you come to that meeting have a chat with me and I will show you the difference.
    Thanks for the offer.

    Not sure if I can make it to the meeting (due to have a minor operation on Tuesday) but if I can drive I'll see you there.

    Regards, Jim

  9. #9
    Clovisthefatcat Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DrDick&Vick View Post
    They come with a basic base map pre installed, you can always load the Talky Toaster open source maps for free.
    You can buy the Discover maps (OS 1:50000) and use them or you can create small sections of custom maps at 1:25000 level.
    If you come to that meeting have a chat with me and I will show you the difference.

    I thought I'd already responded with a thankyou, but can't see it listed. In which case a belated 'thankyou' and apologies for being a technophobe.

    I will do my best to get to the meeting tommorrow. Just had minor surgery today, so not sure whether or not I'll be up to it.

    Kind regatrds, Jim

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