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View Poll Results: Would you be interested in a 3 year mileage challenge?

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  • Yes I would be interested

    9 56.25%
  • No thanks

    7 43.75%
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Thread: Caching Mileage 2012 - 2015

  1. #1

    Default Caching Mileage 2012 - 2015

    I am just beginning to formulate an idea for a 3 year mileage challenge, similar to this years but with some twists.
    Nothing really sorted yet, I am having some discussions with Fermentum about how to develop the idea.

    The reason that I am mentioning it so early this year is that I want to guage whether people would be interested and, if they are, to give them advanced warning to find a coin with a special meaning to them to use.

    For instance, if we go ahead I will be using a Jeep geocoin as I drive Jeeps.

    Once ideas have developed I will post more on the subject.

  2. #2
    Fantasyraider Guest


    For instance, if we go ahead I will be using a Jeep geocoin as I drive Jeeps.
    oh this has upset me too much ... I'm choked!

    At least I can drink now.:cheers:

  3. #3


    SORRY: any news? Hope it isn't a write off.

  4. #4


    I think that the mileage that some people are able to clock up, as seen on the excellent graphs for this year so far, don't give others very much hope. If you do not have a job that involves travelling around and only have weekends to do so, then you will never be able to 'keep up'. Not that it really matters, as it's only for fun. Just my two pennies worth
    Lang may yer lum reek. :cheers:

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    I don't see why you can't have a perpetual challenge.

    It is easy to find out the mileage for the previous 12 months, or since the 1st January, so no need to use new coins, and new coins & users can always be added at anytime.
    Paved Roads: Another fine example of unnecessary Government spending!

  6. #6


    We can, however some people, me included, want to start afresh with a coin with some personal meaning to them.

  7. #7
    keehotee Guest


    Personally, in this "environmentally friendly" day and age, I think anything rewarding an all-encompassing mileage competition is a little irresponsible and doesn't necessarily put the GAGB in a good light. h34r:
    However......a walked mileage competition - encouraging people to get off their bums and OUT of their cars - might be worthwhile

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset


    Quote Originally Posted by keehotee View Post
    Personally, in this "environmentally friendly" day and age, I think anything rewarding an all-encompassing mileage competition is a little irresponsible and doesn't necessarily put the GAGB in a good light. h34r:
    However......a walked mileage competition - encouraging people to get off their bums and OUT of their cars - might be worthwhile
    I am using my coin as a way of recording the mileage of my normal caching habits and am not going out specifically chasing miles. Most of my 'miles' done have been whilst working away from home ... or on the way there/back. In the last 7 weeks I have driven 4500 miles (not out of choice!) .... and not used trains or planes as some people have .

    I would definitely be in the lower league table if I was relying on my weekend caching as that would only be the odd one or two caches and is normally within 20 miles of home .... although it would normally involve walking and not cache & dashes.

    I also forget to reset my track log when walking ... so would never be accurate.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  9. #9
    RuberyBlue Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by keehotee View Post
    Personally, in this "environmentally friendly" day and age, I think anything rewarding an all-encompassing mileage competition is a little irresponsible and doesn't necessarily put the GAGB in a good light. h34r:
    However......a walked mileage competition - encouraging people to get off their bums and OUT of their cars - might be worthwhile
    My caching and walking has dropped to almost non existent, a combination of not wanting to wrack up unnecessary car mileage and an achilles problem

    I certainly don't entertain the thought of driving xxx miles to try and get back on a even keel with my league competitors (?). I do, though, wrack up 350 miles a week in commuting (car share) but there are no caches at the work end

    Last year I started a walking/ ascent caching thread with little response. Happy to start that up again...I believe one of caching's big selling points is the health benefits.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by keehotee View Post
    Personally, in this "environmentally friendly" day and age, I think anything rewarding an all-encompassing mileage competition is a little irresponsible and doesn't necessarily put the GAGB in a good light. h34r:
    However......a walked mileage competition - encouraging people to get off their bums and OUT of their cars - might be worthwhile
    I can't imagine that any of us are deliberately clocking up more mileage in order to make our coins travel further than OPs. I'm certainly not, it's just a bit of fun, after all.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

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